Words Unsaid Part 18

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Riley was caught in a haze of emotion .the frustration of the emptiness of her memories of maya coupled with the newfound pain of a loss she was now feeling in her heart. Riley reached her building with no recollection of her steps .all she knew was that this would be the moment all her questions would be answered and she would finally know the meaning of her memory of "lightning and thunder" .

The steps leading seemed to be endless but with everyone taken Rileys anticipation grew. suddenly, a voice echoed from the other side of the half-opened veranda door. A voice familiar and yet still muffled to decipher. as Riley got closer to the door she realized that the voice was that of Lucas.

riley was just an arms length away from the door now when she was caught off guard by Lucas's ire filled tone as he admonished maya for her choice to leave for her exchange program which then set in to motion a battle of words in which maya blurted in anger, " Lucas, what did you expect me to do ?" did you think i would stay and keep watching you flaunt your victory in my face ? how did it feel to take from me what i couldn't give you?

To which Lucas retorted, " I'll admit at first i felt vindicated when i saw the hurt in your eyes. when i could see my pain mirrored in your eyes i thought i was punishing you but i was slowly punishing myself ." at this point, Riley was at her breaking point she barged in anger enraged and insulted by what she had just heard. With tears in her eyes Riley exclaimed," you both must have had a good laugh at my expense !" and immediately she turned and walked out of the door and made her way back down the stairs.

All Lucas and maya could do was look at each other stunned at what had just transpired. Lucas then proceeded to break the silence between them by telling maya firmly," this is your last chance maya! go after her; tell her you love her!! " this is your chance to step out of your fathers' shadow and love her the way she deserves. Let her finally remember the love she feels for you that she misplaced in me."

Maya in usual maya stoic manner would not budge because her stubbornness would not allow her to move but something in Lucas's words resonated within her and she finally gave in and ran out the door after Riley. Hoping she was still in time to catch up to her and explain the misinterpretation of an obvious misunderstanding. Mayas' only hope was that Riley would be willing to listen.

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