Words Unsaid Ch.4

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Maya had made her way to the nearest bus stop her anxiousness getting the better of her as she waited.

now that the bus had arrived and she knew she was on the way towards the hospital her mind replayed the very moment that had caused her outburst with Riley.

It had been in a class change interval . the bell rang as all the students made their way into their next scheduled class. Maya was leaving her art class when she saw them from across the way .

Riley and Lucas were chatting and it seemed as though it were an inoffensive chat seeing as Zay and Farkle were there also .yet that was not at all the case. As soon as she was at ears length Maya caught the end of the conversation .

Maya regretted that moment even now as she was nearing the hospital. Maya remembered that sparkle of pride in Riley's eyes as Riley regaled her with the news that Lucas had asked her to the school dance .

Maya was happy for riley but deep down something hurt and she could not put it into words, at least not to Riley.

Maya held no ill will towards Lucas because she knew he was a good person and maybe that is what hurt Maya the most.

Mayas ponderance's were cut short when she realized she had arrived at the hospital .Maya felt joy and fear all at once as she made her way into the hospital being sure to avoid being discovered by Rileys parents Topanga and Corey.

Though she had a very good reason for being there she could not explain it to them nor did she want them to be disappointed in her for disregarding their wishes.

Maya infiltrated herself among a family that was visiting their ailing mother and walked in with them to the W shaped waiting room .

Where the 2 rows of chairs met Maya made it a point to sit where she and the Matthews would have their backs to her and she could hear them but not be seen by them.

Maya did not have to wait long for news on Riley's condition .

Doctor Anderson made his way to Riley's family and asked ." are you Mr. & Mrs. Matthews?

In unison and with hands intertwined they responded, " yes ,we are! Dr. Anderson with a professional yet somber tone continued," i am sorry to tell you folks this but ...... " in that moment everyone braced themselves ,even Maya.

Dr. Anderson continues" due to the intracranial swelling Maya suffered from the severe blow to the head she received from hitting the ground , we had no other choice but to place her in a medically induced coma to give her body and the medications time to bring down the swelling."

Everyone fell silent .

Zay stared at Farkle and the Matthews stared at each other in total disbelief at what they had just heard.

they were all standing up at the time they received the news and it was like a rug had been pulled out from underneath them all and they sat down with a resounding thud all but Maya, who was in such shock that she could not even move.

Now more than ever Maya had to see Riley all she needed now was to find the perfect time and opportunity .

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