Words Unsaid Chapter 13

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The evening after the Matthew's along with Zay and Farkle had come to a general consensus of how their plan was to be executed an appointment was set up by Riley's physician Dr. Anderson.

during that phone call Dr. Anderson had agreed to set up an appointment with an old colleague of his that now specialized in alternative medicine specifically Hypnotherapy .

Dr. Colleen Penbrook was the leading practitioner of hypnotherapy in her field of practice. Her patients ranged from soldiers with post traumatic stress disorders to patients with issues of insomnia .

Dr. Colleen had a busy practice dr. anderson knew that if he asked Dr. Penbrook would prioritize his request  due to their years of friendship.

Dr. Penbrook agreed and not soon after an impromptu appointment was set up for Riley .

The day of  her first treatment session  with  Riley, Dr. Penbrook invited  Topanga and Corey to her office.

She explained that this hypnotherapy session was not meant as a miraculous solution to Riley's problem but it was meant as a tool to help ease her mind into a state of receptiveness.

At this point Topanga and Corey were open to any option that might be able to give Riley the opportunity to regain that lost piece of herself. The doctor then proceeded to shake the matthews hand and asked them to  step out into the waiting area and send Riley into her office.

Riley was nervous and feeling a tad bit overwhelmed but her parents had reassured her that this treatment would help her in her process of recovering her memory.

Riley trusted her parents so she mustered all the courage within her as she took a deep breath and made her way to r. Penbrook’s office.

Once inside the Dr.  smiled reassuringly and shook Riley's now sweaty hand. They both laughed ,Riley’s laugh just a bit more awkwardly but Dr.Penbrook reassured Riley that the treatment that she was about to undergo would not hurt her in any way .

The Dr. pointed to the middle of the room where two chairs were facing one another and asked Riley to take a seat.

Once seated Dr.penbrook requests that Riley take deep and slow breaths until she feels relaxed .Riley complies yet as soon. As her body relaxes in the chair images begin to replay in her mind in chopped up bursts.

First an Image of Maya crossed her mind , then farkle ,zay, and Lucas appeared smiling and talking amongst themselves.

It was only when the image of a vehicle heading towards her popped into her head that her breathing suddenly became labored and she was startled out of her relaxed state.

With a comforting smile Dr. Penbrook reassured her that everything was OK and that this was a small yet important step to her full recovery.

Riley wanted more than ever to be able to piece together this puzzle stuck in her head but she knew it wouldn't be easy.

Now her curiosity was peaked and now more than ever something inside her was telling her she needed to see this through that the answers she seeked were just behind her garbled memories.

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