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"...and that's why I can't escape the curse of being an elementary school teacher," said Mr. Crocker.

Meanwhile, Timmy's eyes were once again glued to the clock. He couldn't help but feel as if the clock hands were designed to move as slow as possible.

"Also, I have an announcement," Mr. Crocker continued. "In order for you to make new friends you'll immediately forget once you graduate, the school is making me assign you pen pals."

Everyone in the classroom, except for Chloe, groaned as the bell for lunch rung.

"I'll assign them after lunch," said the disinterested teacher.

Later in the lunchroom...

"Ugh, I don't want to be assigned a pen pal," Timmy complained.

"What's wrong with being assigned a pen pal?" asked Chloe. "Having pen pals enriches our understandings of the world and helps brings everyone closer together."

Timmy shot a confused look Chloe's way and argued, "No, having a pen pal means you'll be forced to talk to people you don't have anything in common with. It's like having a new kid forced on you."

At that moment, Cosmo and Wanda poofed on top of the lunch table as salt and pepper shakers respectively.

"Why the long face, sport?" asked Wanda.

"We're being assigned pen pals," Timmy answered.

"Oh! I had a pen pal once," Cosmo bubbled. "I remember it like it was yesterday..."

The green haired fairy thought back to the last pen pal letter he received which read, "Why haven't you wrote back to me yet?! The doctor said I had to have constant contact with the outside world or else I'll sink into depression!"

"Yep, felt like it was yesterday," Cosmo beamed. "Good times... Good times..."

"It was yesterday, Cosmo!" Wanda snapped. "And you still haven't wrote her back!"

"Good times..." Cosmo dreamily continued.

"Yeah, well I can't avoid it," Timmy groaned. "The school will probably force Mr. Crocker to know if we've been writing to them. I wish I could have a pen pal that I would actually have a chance of liking."

Cosmo and Wanda waved their wands and granted their godchild's wish.

"What just happened?" asked Timmy.

"We just granted your wish," Wanda replied.

"But nothing happened."

"You have to wait until you're back in class, sport."

After lunch, Timmy and his classmates returned to class and Mr. Crocker started to handout addresses to his students. He handed the last one to Timmy, who read aloud, "Lincoln Loud... Royal Woods, Michigan."

To be continued in The Fairly Loud Halloween.

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