The New Kid

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"You're starting to give me a headache, Sport," Wanda winced.

Timmy glanced down at the dizzied face of his pink-tinted pencil and immediately stopped tapping his disguised fairy godmother against his desk.

"Sorry, Wanda," he apologized. "I just can't wait to get out here."

His eyes once again glued to the classroom clock, Timmy resumed counting down to the fated time.

"Come on!" the 10-year old impatiently mumbled under his breath. "Come on!"

As the young child continued to stare at the clock, Mr. Crocker continued with his history lesson that his students had tuned out an hour ago.

"...and that, class, is how I ended up cursed with being a teacher," Mr. Crocker finished in a bored, monotone tone. "Now before class ends, I have an announcement to make. We have a new student joining our class today."

Hearing the words, "new student," was enough to regain his class's attention. They curiously watched their teacher approach the classroom door and opened it, revealing a young girl for all to see.

"This is Chloe Carmichael," Mr. Crocker introduced.

Confused, Timmy raised his hand and asked, "Uh, why didn't introduce her before class?"

Ignoring his student's question, Mr. Crocker turned to Chloe, "You can take the empty seat next to Timmy Turner."

Chloe did as she was instructed and took the seat next to Timmy. Not too long after, the sound of the dismissal bell rung throughout the entire school. Finally receiving the freedom they coveted, every student rushed out of the class room, some unaware that they have ran over their teacher in the process.

With no time to waste, Timmy opened his locker just as Cosmo and Wanda have assumed the shape of his textbooks.

"Isn't it kind of strange that Crocker would introduce a new student at the end of the school day?" Wanda wondered aloud.

"Hey, he's just thinking outside the box and thinking outside the box is great!" Cosmo beamed. "I do it all the time!"

"Sometimes you need to think inside the box, honey," Wanda smiled at her husband. "Anyway, Timmy, why don't you offer to show Chloe around the school? She is the new girl after all and this is a good chance to make a new friend."

"I don't know, Wanda," replied the cautious 10-year old. "I don't even know her. For all I know, she can be some type of weirdo."

He then closed his locker door, allowing him to finally notice the aforementioned new kid standing right next to him.

"I wasn't talking to my textbooks!" Timmy shouted in a defensive and highly suspicious manner.

"I don't mind," Chloe said with a gentle smile. "It's not like talking to textbooks is weird."

"Um... Yes it is. It's very, very weird."

He was completely taken aback that the New Kid didn't immediately consider him weird. That was something that never happened to him before.

"Anyway, what are you doing here?" asked Timmy.

"My locker is right next to yours," said Chloe. "Looks like we'll be locker buddies."

Chloe grabbed her things from her locker and walked away. As soon as she was out of earshot, Timmy re-opened his locker and said, "Wow guys, someone didn't call me weird for talking to you."

Receiveing nothing but silence, the 10-year old looked inside his locker and realized that he was only talking to his normal, non-verbal textbooks. He then turned around to find a group of girls behind him, staring at him with confused and horrified looks on their faces. They each feigned a smile and walked away from him slowly, leaving Timmy very annoyed.

The New Kid (The Fairly OddParents)Where stories live. Discover now