Chapter Three: PE

Start from the beginning

"Is it always this rowdy in here?" Eren asks Armin while simultaneously dodging a shoe heading in his direction.

"Usually depends on how the top bay is feeling," Armin replies. His nonchalant attitude to everything around him makes it clear to Eren that is sort of behaviour is a common occurrence.

Before Eren has time to ask the question on his mind, Armin starts to explain what he means in added detail. "The changing room, as you can see, is split into three bays. The bottom bay is for the students that are considered dumb and not good at sports. They don't seem to care or they aren't brave enough to stand up for themselves." Hearing this, Eren starts to get angry. Why would they let others say who they are and what they can do? Armin continues his explanation not noticing the young German's clenched fists shaking. "We are in the middle bay. This bay is for students who they consider to be too nerdy to be cool."


"That would be the guys in the top bay. The 'cool' kids of our year. They decide who goes into what bay and what goes on behind the scenes for our year group. They like to think they run this place."

"Not if I can do anything about it," Eren says quietly through gritted teeth.

"What was that?" Armin asks leaning

"Just thinking. So if we're in the middle bay, that isn't too bad I guess." Armin shakes his head causing Eren to feel confused.

"Not really. What it actually means is that we are in the way of all the stuff that is being thrown around." Armin's logic is solid and starts to seep into Eren's brain. You can always rely on him to see the bigger picture.

"Hey Yeager! Catch!" A voice cries out. Eren hears it above the shouting and looks in the direction that the voice calling him came from. With no time to react, he accepts his fate. A sweaty PE shirt from the lost and found, the prime cause if the sweaty smell, smacks him square in the face and just hangs. The entire changing room (except Eren and Armin) erupt's with laughter. Everyone is howling and causing a lot of noise. Too much noise.

The changing room door slam's open. A vibration surging through the walls and floor creeping up on all the students. The riotous changing room drops to an eerie silence as Mr Shadis marches his way in. "Is someone going to tell me why there is so much noise?" he asks. His voice is low and rough. The whole room is silent, tense under his petrifying stare and intimidating presence. Eventually, Jean speaks up. "I was passing the new kid a shirt from the lost and found."

"I've got my own kit thanks." Eren retorts. "I'm surprised you forgot since you're the ass who brought it to me.

"What did you say, Blockhead?!"

"You heard me!" The two boys looked ready to go to war against each other as both raised to their feet.

"Enough!" Mr Shadis shouts interrupting the rivals. "Everyone get changed and make your way outside. The girls are waiting. You two idiots give me two laps of the pitch before joining us. That will teach you." With that said, Mr Shadis turn's and leaves the changing room.

The chill of the wind is still present only the effects of it are much more prominent on the exposed parts of everyone's legs that are not covered by their shorts or socks. Eren isn't really fazed by the cold wind. Instead, focusing on the sight in front of him. The pitch at Shinganshina high is one of the best around at this level of the game. It is a green carpet, silky and with grass short enough to allow the ball to roll smoothly and at pace. The quality of the artificial turf is high enough to give some professional clubs a run for their money. Eren takes a deep breath. His lungs filling with excitement to play on this surface. The bumpy surfaces, muddy patches and long grass he played on back home are a distant memory now. He can't wait to show his new classmates what he can do. Just got to get those laps done first.

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