Chapter 2

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"Okay, well Hannah and I are going to work on a project in my room," Sehun said, anxious to change the subject.

Mrs. Oh smiled. "Of course, of course. Well, call me if you need anything." Then she waved good bye.

Sehun ushered Hannah up the stairs.

Hannah elbowed his side. "Your mom seems really nice."

Sehun shrugged a shoulder. "Because she is."

He lead Hannah into a light green room. The room was covered with pictures and drawings. In one corner of the room, there was a mic set and in another, there was a huge desk. The room itself was pretty large, with a queen sized bed.

There was one poster that caught Hannah's eye. It was a deep purple one that said "Keep Calm and Dance On"

Hannah giggled. "Keep calm and dance on? Do you dance, Sehun?"

Sehun scowled at her. "Yes, now what are we going to do for our project?"

Hannah shook head head, still smiling. "I thought we could do it about Japan, because of the tradition."

Sehun thought about it and said, "Okay, that's one idea, but I was sort of thinking South Korea."

Hannah's eyebrows shot up. "South Korea?"

"Well yeah," Sehun said, "I know a lot about it since I'm Korean, so it'll be pretty easy to whip up."

Hannah remembered what Mrs. Misaki said about Sehun being exceptional when he wants to.

"Sure," Hannah agreed with Sehun, "Yeah, let's do South Korea."

Sehun's face brightened, making Hannah crack a grin.

"He's so cute when he smiles!" She thought to herself, amused. He really, really was.

"Let's get started then, what are you doing?" Sehun scoffed.

"Aaand he's gone," Hannah sighed.

Hours passed and the two were getting decent work done. They did research, even if Sehun did know a lot about South Korea.

There was a soft knocking on the door. "Children?" It was Mrs. Oh.

Hannah greeted her. "Hi!"

Mrs. Oh smiled at them and announced that she had made dinner.

"Oh, no," Hannah said, "Have I been here that long?"

Sehun looked up from his current work and glanced at the clock. "Wow, 8:36 already?"

Mrs. Oh laughed with happiness in her eyes. "Why don't you call your parents, Hannah, and say you're staying for dinner?"

Hannah's face reddened. "Yeah," she said, "I'll call my aunt."

Mrs. Oh nodded and left the room.

Sehun raised an eyebrow at her. "Your aunt? Why don't you just call your parents?"

Hannah fidgeted. "I can't," she said lamely.

"Why not?"

"I just can't."

"Are you an orphan?"

"What? No! No, it' parents are busy."

"Whose parents are too busy to know about their child's whereabouts?"

Hannah groaned. "Look, Sehun, my parents just can't help me right now, okay?"

Sehun looked at her and scowled. "Why?"

Hannah took a deep breath. "My mom's in the hospital right now, Sehun, she's really sick. My dad is too busy with work. I...I can' parents told me that they didn't want me visiting the hospital because they didn't want me to worry and to focus on my studies, but I'm not stupid, Sehun. I know...I know my mom...she's dying," Hannah had barely managed to choke the last part out.

Sehun's gaze was averted. He didn't move or say a word. Finally, he mumbled, "I'm sorry. I'm an idiot, I should have kept my mouth shut."

Hannah shook her head, "It's alright. You know, it feels good to get it off my chest." Hannah laughed, but it quickly turned into a sob.

Sehun stood there and watched Hannah cry. He had no idea what the heck to do. "How do you deal with crying girls?" He thought, in panic.

Sehun slowly stepped forward, closing the gap between them, and wrapped a cautious arm around Hannah. When she didn't tear Sehun's arm out of it's socket, he wrapped his other arm around her. They just stood there, with Hannah's head in his shoulder and Sehun gently, soothingly squeezing Hannah.

"What am I doing?" Sehun thought to himself.

"What is he doing?" Hannah thought.

Both of their hearts were racing.

Hannah inhaled his scent. He smelled of chocolate, comfort, and safety. He...he smelled...he felt...

Hannah was melting. " is he doing this to me? I hate him. I hate Oh Sehun, why do I...why do I feel this way...?"

Hannah placed a wavering hand on Sehun's chest, right above his heart. His chest was pounding and his breath hitching. Slowly, Hannah looked up, but Sehun was already gazing down at her. He brushed her tears away with his thumb.

"His hair...his eyes...his lips...," Hannah's voice screamed in her head.

Sehun cupped her chin, raising it gently. Then, he began to close the gap even more. Hannah leaned in closer. Their noses were brushing against each other, their hot breaths mingled together, all they needed was one...more...inch...

Suddenly the door flew open. Hannah yanked her head back and Sehun roughly shoved her away from him and threw himself down on his chair. Hannah landed on the soft carpet; she crossed her legs and pretended to fix her shoe.

Mrs. Oh stood at the doorway, eyes wide. She seemed to be fighting a smile. "Goodness!" She exclaimed, "I'm sorry, did I interrupt something? It's just that you two didn't come down for dinner so-"

"We're fine. We were just heading down," Sehun said gruffly. He walked out the door, brushing past his mother.

Mrs. Oh sent Hannah an apologetic look and followed after her son.

Hannah stopped fiddling with her shoe lace and brought her knees up to her chest. She placed her forehead on her kneecaps, her light blue jeans scratching her skin.

"Oh my God," she muttered, "What. Just. Happened."

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