The Bear and His Queen

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Request: reader/character is running away after their mother dies, and it's the middle of winter. Their friends try to stop them and follow them to a frozen river where they then fall in, right after they tell their friends, they love them

If you look around you would see an absolutely beautiful scene.

When I look around snow is everywhere. It's like a white blanket comforting the earth. In the distance a couple of kids having a snowball fight. A few meters from the kids sits a group of women.

The sight of the women brings the tears back full load. I'm doing the right thing here. My momma was the only thing that kept me going. She was my warrior. The only person who could protect me from my father.

I guess she's in a better place now, right? That's what people say when others die at least. They claim the good people go to heaven and the bad get sent to hell. How can we say which is which? How can we as humans go about defining the difference between good and evil. They claim there is a God watching. If that is true then where is he? Where was he when my father was beating my mother and I senseless. 

In my opinion, my mother was a wonderful woman. My dad though, he was the epitome of evil. He beat and abused the both of us. Which caused my mother to end it before he could end us both.

They found my mother with her stomach sliced open. In her hand, was the gun whose bullet ended my father.

All of this has led me here. Time to run I suppose. Not sure where I will end up, but it sure as hell is not in the arms of another evil man.

There is this place my mother would always take me in the summer. This beautiful lake in the middle of the woods. It was our safe place when dad drank too much.

I guess it's the only way I have to say goodbye. I chuckle to myself while running my fingers through my hair. I have been walking for hours. Normally we would drive here, but I know the cops are probably looking for me. They wish to question the integrity of my parents. They want to know why. Funny thing is, I would love to know the answer to that as well.

I can finally see the lake in the distance. Sadly yet poetically, the lake is frozen over much like my heart at the moment.

As I make it to the edge of the lake I take in everything around me. Can I honestly do this?

I am scared, bruised, and i'll most likely never accept the touch of another person ever again.

"Kouver!" I hear a shout in the distance, causing me to spin around and step back onto the ice.
When I turn I see my friends there, all running to me with their hearts on their shoulders.

I smile sadly while shaking my head. "Please just go home you guys. I can't do this without her." I hear myself cry out. I slowly take more steps onto the ice as they walk closer.

My friend Amelia steps forward with both of her hands up in surrender before she drops to her knees. "K, please sweetie, get off the ice I'm begging you. We can help you. You know we would do anything for you" she begs while tears fall from her eyes.

I can see the rest of my friends agreeing. Luke is nodding his head with tears of his own coating his face. Ava is is hesitating, crying while opening and closing her mouth. She wants the right thing to say and I get that, having been there myself many times with her. Diesel looks angry, clenching his fist with his jaw locked. I wonder if its because of my state or my actions. Char, short for Charlotte, hanging onto his arm like she's attempting to stop him from coming over here and grabbing me himself.

Then there is my Abel, bear as I call him.. My sweet, caring, and protective Abel. He has fought so hard to save me. As I look to him I see his mouth moving. Most likely trying to stop me as I continue to take steps back. I look down when I hear a crack.

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