Bonnie: ok. Do you want me to cheek on her?

Stefan: I got it, Bonnie

Bonnie: ok

Stefan walks up to Elena's room

Elena: Who is it?

Stefan: it's me

Elena opened the door

Stefan: You ok?

Elena: not really my emotions are all over and now I have more powers everything is a mess

Stefan: Elena take a deep breath in and let it out slowly

Elena did what Stefan said

Elena: Who is still here anyway?

Stefan: just your friends and Jenna and Alaric and your brother.

Elena: I'm ok now

Stefan: Take all the time you need. We get it today is a mixed emotions day for you.

Elena: thanks I'm all good now

Stefan: let's go downstairs before Bonnie comes and finds us

Elena and Stefan walk down the stairs

Bonnie: I was about to come up and you two

Elena: Sorry, emotions got the best of me.

Caroline: Elena we get it.

Tyler: Well there is a graduation gift from my parents. They left them here for us then left to go to another party.

They all sit around a table and open the gift from Tyler's parents

Elena: wow where did they find this at?

Tyler: no clue Elena i didn't know they even had that

It was a picture with Elena and her family in it

Zach: I have gifts for you y'all as well.

Zach went to go and get them

Elena got a bracelet that her moms

Stefan got a book

Tyler got a football

Caroline got a mod ring

Bonnie got a witch spell book

Zach: Elena there is more gift but I will look for it

Elena: ok thank you

Jenna: we should be going it's late

Jenna Alaric and Jeremy are about to walk out the door.

Elena runs up and gives them a hug

Bonnie: I should be heading back my dad might be freaking out.

Caroline: Can I crash here?

Elena: Sure care.

Tyler: Can I stay here as well? My parents still don't know I'm trying to stay away from them because of how they are.

Stefan: yeah

Elena: who wants to go outside and make s'mores

Caroline: Sure, I'm down for that.

Caroline and Elena walk out to the patio where there is a fire pit they bring out the things they need to make s'mores.

Elena: I can't believe we did it though.

Stefan And Elana get Their Happy EndingWhere stories live. Discover now