chapter 10

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the next day At Fell church

The pastor: we are all here today to honor the death of one of our founding family members. Grayson Gilbert was a lot of things to many people. He was a friend, father, husband, and mentor to a lot of us. Does anyone want to share a memory or share a few words about Grayson?

As Elena got up from her Seat she was crying as she was walking to where the pastor was standing. And looked around the room. Then she just kept her eyes on Stefan.

Elena: He was the best dad anyone could ask for. He was loving, caring, and super protective of me and my family. I remember this one time I came home from school. And he asked why I was in a super good mood. So I told him. It felt like I could tell him anything and he would understand how I felt. And he helped me with my homework and well he was just the best dad anyone could ask for. I think his last wishes are to be buried next to my mom.

Elena walked to where she was sitting. She was crying and couldn't see where her seat was so Stefan got up to help Elena back to their seats.

A few other people had words to say about Grayson as well.

The pastor: here is Grayson's last call.

The policies reply to the last call of Grayson when he was a cop on duty.
The cops here are a flag for his family. They walked up to Elena and gave her the flag.

After the service, Elena was still crying on Stefan's shoulder. Bonnie walked up to them and offered to help Stefan to get her back to her house.

After the viewing and the last words
Only a few people went to the cemetery to Barrie Elena's dad

Elena: No, we have to put the casket next to my mom's.

Stefan: OK I'm gonna have me and Zach do it, it's something your dad probably would have wanted.

Elena: Ok

Zach and Stefan carried the casket to the cemetery where the hole was already dug out. Then carefully place the casket into the ground and put the dirt back on top.

Elena bent down to the casket and put some flowers on it.

When they all got back to Elena's house the door was open. A man was standing at the door. He is wearing a black leather jacket and is in all black

Elena: Who is that man standing there?

Damon: Well hello brother.

Stefan: This is my brother Damon.

Zach: Let's go to the boarding house Damon now please and thank you

Damon: Is Stefan gonna be there?

Stefan: I'll meet you there later.

Damon and Zach walk back to the boarding House.

Zach invited Damon into the boardinghouse.

Elena: Stefan, why is your brother back in town?

Stefan: well. I don't know why he is here

Elena: How about you go see Damon then Zach can help me get to the house.

Stefan: That might work. But I'm going to text Zach the plan.

Elena: I have a question for you. Do you and your brother fight over girls?

Stefan: Yes we did sometimes. But I think he still has humanity switched off. But if he doesn't then I'm not gonna let him fall in love with you. I know what a bad person he can be all the time.

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