chapter 5

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Caroline: How about we all go to the Mystics grill to get coffee and talk?

Tyler: I'm ok with that. I just need to be home before 11:00 pm.

Elena: I need to get home before my dad comes and finds me.

Stefan:  Do you want me to give you a ride home?

Elena: Yeah sure that would be nice

Stefan looked at her. Then they both walked to Stefan's car.

At Elena's house

Stefan opens the door for Elena and then she gets into the car. Stefan walked to the other side of his car and got into the car.

Elena: know what is weird

Stefan: What is weird?

Elena: It feels like I know you from somewhere. I want to know if you would like to be my boyfriend.

Stefan:  Elena I would love to be your boyfriend

They walk up to the door.

Elena: Thank you for the ride home.

Stefan: You're welcome.

Stefan walks back to his car and then drives back to the boardinghouse.

Elena walks up to her room gets out her diary and writes about her night with Stefan.


Dear diary  I think love Stefan and I love the color of his hair it's light brown and his eyes are a shade of green is emerald green when the lights hit them and at night they are like a forest green. I think Matt is jealous of me and Stefan. I think Carolin likes Matt but she will not admit it.  I miss my mom like crazy but I'm doing ok now I wish that she is still here to help me deal with all of my boy troubles. I can't believe I asked a guy I just met today to be my boyfriend. But it seems like I have met him somewhere I just can't remember we're tho.

At the boardinghouse

Stefan uses his Vampire speed to his room to write about Elena in his journal.


Her smile has me going crazy. Her eyes are brown like chocolate chips and I want her to be mine forever. But I still don't know how to tell her that I'm a vampire. we still have a lot to know about each other and I feel bad that Elena doesn't remember we met when she was six years old. She has met me before and we meet other times besides the first day of school. I  want to tell her about me but I could do it when I walk her home from school or when she needs my help with history. I can't believe she asked me to be her boyfriend today though.

The next day at school in the hallway

Elena: Hey Bonnie, have you seen Caroline?

Bonnie: No, I haven't yet sorry Elena.

Stefan walks up to Elena. Bonnie walks away to go find Caroline.

Stefan kisses Elena

Elena: Hey, I was just about to go find you.

Stefan: I need to tell you something really important so can you please come to my place right after school.

Elena: I'm going to text my dad and tell him that I'm going to Bonnie after school. Will Zach be there?

Stefan: Wait, how do you know about Zach?

Elena: Well my dad talked about him here and there and when my parents would want to go out they would drop off me and my brother at the bordering house so Zach could watch over us.

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