Chapter 26

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At the lake house in New Jersey

Stefan: let's go home Lexi called me and told me that Elijah is gone

Elena: Let's go home. I miss my friends and family.

Stefan and Elena packed up some of the stuff that was brought into the house.

At the boardinghouse

There was a knock on the door caroline was at the boarding house to talk to Lexi

Stefan: We are back now hopefully for good.

Caroline: I'm just happy you two are ok now.

Damon: Hey Stefan, are you ok?

Stefan: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm happy to be home now.

Bonnie: Elena, are you doing ok?

Elena: Yeah, I'm happy to be back home.

Jenna runs up and hugs Elena

Elena: What are you doing here Jenna?

Jenna: I'm here because well, I offered to help your friends bring you back home.

Elena: Thank you.

Bonnie: thank goodness you are ok we heard what happened

Elena: Yeah, it was weird.

Damon: What do we do now?

Stefan: Are lives going back to normal now

Damon: I'm gonna go now.

Damon left the boarding house for a while.

Stefan: What got Damon to leave that fast?

Lexi: Probably me.

Stefan: don't think it would be you, Lexi.

Elena: Well, I thought we could go to school tomorrow since Tyler's parents brought school back.

Bonnie: sounds like a good idea but Elena are you sure you are up for it

Elena: yeah I got things under control and if not then Alaric and Stefan will come up with something for the teacher so I can skip the rest of school. 

Alaric:  thanks i got something that I can come up with

Elena: thanks Alaric

The next day at school

Elena: I'm happy we finally go school back

Stefan: me too

Caroline: we thank goodness I had time to buy new clothes

Bonnie: let's get going to class before we are late

At lunch

Elena: oh no he better not start anything

Stefan: I'm sure he will not Elena

Bonnie: let's just ignore him

Matt walks into the lunch room and sees Elena and her friends and tries to go over there but Tyler stops him.

Tyler: Matt, no you are going over there. They don't want to talk to you.

Matt: I got something I wanted to say to them

Tyler: No, leave it alone. Elena is over you and has moved on.

Matt walks away super mad

Elena's lips say thank you to Tyler

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