No worries

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It's been only a day since they left the village, hinata woke up a little late. She didn't feel anything she was used to her empty bed, hinata thought that she was overreacting because nothing changed she had always woke up alone spend most of the day alone. Hinata headed to the bathroom and showered.
Her thoughts didn't fill her head and there were no worries or anything she was like in a vacation or break time from her life. Hinata dried her hair picked a white sunny dress and walked out of her house. She planned to go to The Yamanaka's shop pick flower and then to Kurenai and spend some time with her. No worries at all.
Hinata decided to visit Kurenai first the flowers could wait, she was soo excited to see Kurenai's 3 years old daughter mirai. She bought a gift though the walk to her sensei's house wasn't long, the hyuga fixed her dress before she ring the bell. She heard her sensei rushing to the door. "Hinata-chan" hinata bowed politely to Kurenai "hello Kurenai-sensei" Kurenai opened the door wider for hinata "come in" she was happy to see one of her students and hinata was the one who visited her more than kiba and shino. Both of them turned to the sound behind and they saw mirai rushing to the door reaching to the hyuga. Mirai jumped and hinata caught her "careful mirai, you might get hurt" but the little girl kept grinning. Kurenai leaded hinata inside and brought tae before she sit across from her. "I thought you would be with them" and like that something awaken inside her head but she just smiled until Kurenai continued "kakashi told me you would be" and that stopped the hyuga from sipping her tea. She raised her brows "Kakashi-sama??" Kurenai nodded her head confused too and she thought that maybe she did wrong by telling her student that because she wasn't focusing in anything the whole time.
Hinata stumbled inside the flowers shope without so much attention "hello, ino-chan" but the person behind wasn't ino. He was someone she didn't recognize "ahh, sorry I forgot ino-chan wouldn't be here today" the male smiled and nodded his head to her.
Hinata walked inside the cemetery to the same place she always went to.. and as always as she was walking there she remembered the first times she went his grave. The first time she cried hard so hard that she threw up and she continued her crying until she faint on his grave and she still wondered about his reaction when he saw her like that she didn't know what happened after she remembered only Naruto once and kiba twice who came to pick her from his grave. She stood there without words then cry and faint and woke up in the hospital... but later she found the words "I'm sorry" were her first words to him. Hinata finally reached and she stood there before she knelt and placed the white flowers and sat on her knees trying to find the right words to say "nejinisan" the only word that came "it's been a while" it hadn't she visited him 2 days ago "how have you been?" She asked as if ue would answer her back "I'm doing fine, hanabi-chan is ready to become the head leader of the clan, she is stronger now, father said that he thought after a while hanabi would be able to win if she fought him" she chuckled at the memories she shared "tenten and lee are in a mission so you won't see them for a while I don't know when are they coming back" her eyes fell on her palms then She became quite the pain of shame started hanging in her chest reaching her face and she couldn't look up as if he would be staring at her... she bite her lips her old habits came back. "I'm sorry, nejinisan" she whispered shamefully she had put all her courage to say them and now she felt more ashamed because it was too late. Apologizing won't do anything now, neji won't come back and hinata hoped that the war didn't happen that madara didn't awaken after his death that obito didn't held any hatted against kakashi that the Akatsuki didn't happen that pain didn't show up in her village and destroyed it that Sasuke didn't leave the village. Because if these things didn't happen neji would be in the mission too or helping her with her plants at her home or would drag Naruto to home or she wouldn't need to go to people's place in some late hours. "I miss you" the tears rolled over her cheeks wetting her shirt.
Hinata decided to go somewhere else before her the hyuga's. She wanted somewhere alone with herself but where? Memories of the places she went to before flashed in her head then she decided. The same cafe she went to with sasuke and she ordered the same chocolate cake and chose a seat near the glass which was the best place for someone who would want to avoid people. And she really wanted that. Hinata enjoyed eating her cake quietly the place was so quiet ,so quiet that she felt as if she was sitting in a different place but once she looked up they were watching she loved the quietness but there still was this feeling that was.... unpleasant.
She wanted the same quietness she had when she had someone sitting in the seat across from her.
That kind that she forgot that there were people around them. She didn't know how she forgot about them. They just disappeared slowly, one by one qnd then there was only sasuke staring at her with his dark eyes, maybe it was the the effects of his magical darkness and then hinata shook her head.
"You're late!" Was how she expected her sister to say, was what her little sister used to say to her whenever she came late but this new person she almost didn't recognize only bowed and leaded her inside there was a huge table in front of her hinata looked at her father who welcomed her with a smile, tiny one, but she could see his apology in these smiles ,the huge meals he offered for them , the way he glanced at them she almost forgot her old father. How was her father treating her.
She looked at her sister across from her and saw how she was eating calmly she missed her chatting all the time when they eat, drink, or when they gathered every time, It was like this palace lost its voice. She bringing life in this wide place and now hinata could feel the coldness of this place, she thought and thought and thought for anything to do but found nothing. Hinata faked a smile beforehand sipping from her tea.
Hinata walked out in the streets,it was late now. But she didn't want to go home yet, she walked trying to think of someone she could go to as she let her feet leading her to wherever they wanted. She thought of so many places the park, friend's house, passing by the hokage's building to ask about the mission but they just Went this morning. Hinata didn't stop she just walked until her feet stopped her. To an abandoned, dark building. only one question was running inside her head (why am i here?) and she might add again, the only person who lived here wasn't there. Hinata looked up to his window. How many times had he crossed her head? When she woke up his presence at her door in the morning felt surprisingly odd, walking out without a company or specific destination was complicated he was the first one to popped in her head, even passing the day without seeing him felt lonely. She had decided on what was she going to do, this day was a break to focus only on herself but she couldn't when he was everywhere in her life. He became a part of her she couldn't avoid. Hinata couldn't help but to wonder (when are they coming back?)

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