Pity fate

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His home was empty the lights were off and the rooms were empty. His breath heaved, did she left him? Was she tired of him sleeping outside his home and left? He stumbled to the stairs and sat holding his head. The house was scary without her, was that how she felt. "Damn it" he cursed.. suddenly he decided to look for her out side their house then the door of his house opened, the lights went on and hinata was standing there in front of him. They both gaped at each other before she gasped "N..na..Naruto-kun?!!" In only one second he jumped from the stairs to her and carried her in his arms "hinataa-chaaaaan" he began complaining as if he was 7 years old, she blinked at him"what happened?" He putted her down then crossed his arms pouting "hinata-chan wasn't home so I though...." he whispered the last part playing with his fingers "what?" He looked up and she couldn't help but to appreciate looking at those bright, blue eyes And her blush returned to her after years. "I thought you left" she blanked at him, what does he mean, she did left..then after thinking hard she understood then burst out laughing. Naruto tried to glare at her but she didn't stop " stop it hinata-chaaan" after looking at his pout she controlled herself and wiped the tears that gathered in the corner of her eyes. "Why would I left?" He shrugged embarrassed to say the reason.. then he remembered he brought her flowers and ran towards their living room, the flowers were everywhere in the floor "what happened here?" He looked aside hiding his hands behind him, she didn't ask more and he helped her cleaning he actually threw the flowers after his stupid thoughts. Then he chuckled "so stupid " hinata stopped cleaning and looked up "what" he waved his hand "ahh nothing ,btw where were you?" "At sasuke's house" his brows raised to the middle of his forehead "teme? Why?" She couldn't find a reason to tell him so she shrugged her shoulders "no reason" she threw the flowers in the trash sadly she loved flowers. She used to grew them back at the Hyūga. And she was preparing to grew some here. She didn't hear Naruto's footsteps coming towards her. She only felt two strong arms pulling her to his hard chest and his chin resting over her shoulder. "Thank you hinata-chan, for taking care of him" his hot breath sent her blood to her cheeks and she couldn't help the stuttering "i..it's..ok na..Naruto-kun" his arm reached under her knees and he picked her "since my wife didn't left, how about we go to our room~" hinata hide her face behind her palms and "I'm not your wife yet" he laughed walked her to their room.
He missed standing at her door every morning. He would go to the same place after having a nightmare, or if he felt sick he would head to the same place. He wondered to himself why did he see her in everything as if she was the only human in earth as if she was an endless road and he was made for this travel (if i was running from everything to her ,where do i go now?) he felt sick of himself (pathetic ) running after something he can't have. How did he turned to be like this, Hyūga Hinata belonged to his best friend who had pulled him from the darkness, he smirked at his thought then remembered what sakura said to him. She had changed he didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing but he smirked when she took his words seriously. He didn't mean that he want to cut his bonds with them, then again his smirk faded when he remembered what happened next ,hinata was there too, then he remembered what he said the night before and his cheeks felt heated and again he wondered how he would face her? It was like an endless loop. Once he got his brain off her every thought would lead him back. He thought about staying home for the rest of the day but he remembered she had came before so many times. "Fuck" he cursed quietly in his almost empty apartment he got up deciding to visit Naruto or kakashi.
"I didn't see Naruto" sasuke spoke as he walked through the hokage's office looking at things that were hanging on the wall or the tables. "Really? Strange, have you checked the library?" He looked up and received a nod. "Maybe he is with Shikamaru" the door answered him before sasuke does it opened revealing Shikamaru "aah Shikamaru" kakashi welcomed him with a smile behind his mask. And Shikamaru returned it with a bow "good afternoon hokage-sama" the hokage sweat dropped "drop the sama shikamaru" finally Shikamaru recognized the other person inside "Nara" "uchiha" and that how they greet each other, kakashi watched sasuke returned to exploring his office while Shikamaru watched him by the corner of his eyes he knew these two didn't get along with each other so he sighed "where is Naruto, isn't he with you?" Shikamaru returned his attention back to the hokage but still he would glance at him. "No he isn't he went home last night" then he returned his attention back to the uchiha it was like he was waiting for a reaction while he continued "he said he wanted to be home a little more often and spend time with his fiancée" kakashi watched Shikamaru's smirk slightly, he saw something in sasuke he couldn't see. Shikamaru fought back his smirk he didn't want it to grow wider, his eyes didn't leave the uchiha who was clutching one of the Accessories sakura gave kakashi, sasuke was pressing his lips in thin line he pretended that his attention was on the decorations in the office but Shikamaru knew he was all ears to what they were saying, especially when the hyuga was mentioned. Both of them weren't paying attention to kakashi when he said "that's great he need to give some time to rest" Shikamaru spoke without removing his eyes from the uchiha "he need to make up for his family " that made the uchiha raised his glare to him, Shikamaru didn't flinch he wanted sasuke to see the smirk on his face. Sasuke stormed out of the office to hold himself from killing the nara.
Back when he was at the hospital after the war ended he was laying on this white bed inside white room wearing White clothes. He was wide awake, he wasn't sleeping, he wasn't unconscious, but he was too tired to open his eyes or talk to any of them, he didn't even react when he heard them talking about him, he recognized one of them was his teammate "oooh sakura-chan, Aren't you happy?" Sakura continued her work on him "why would i be?" He heard the high heels if the other medic tapping against the floor. "What do you mean why? Sasuke is here sasuke uchiha Aren't you happy? He is BACK!" Sakura sighed "yeah I'm" She didn't sounded though and he didn't care he just wanted to lay here until something happen he didn't know what was that something even if it was death he would welcome it anyway,but he just wanted to lay down for now. "What's the matter sakura? You know you won't go outside this room without telling me" sakura sighed many times before answering "ino, I'm not the same 15 years old who would chase after someone like my life is hanging on him, i have grown and learned" sakura stopped whatever she was doing to him "I won't chase after a someone who had tried to destroy his village I'm not so stupid to have the same feelings for a traitor" he heard ino chuckled "but you're treating him" "that because it's my job and you know what? I wish he stay in the prison forever, he belonged there" he didn't care about what she said or about him belonging to the prison he stayed there without blinking his eyes that until he heard another tapping this one was quieter and slower than the first one "sa..sakura-chan" a soft voice spoke it sounded trembling maybe she was hesitated to speak (great the only thing is missing is tea and cookies, why don't they have their small chat anywhere else) "hinata-chan when did you come in?" He guessed that she was standing beside his bed now "the door was opened when i came" sakura then finished her job fast " it's good to see you hinata, let's go ino we need to go" then heard their steps and the door closed behind them. Minutes passed he almost forgot that someone was still....then he felt something tapping gently on his face. "It's 5 pm on Friday now if you wanted to know " he wanted to know, it felt as if he wasn't part of the world when he didn't "Tsunade-sama working on pair of arms for you and Naruto-kun, soon kakashi sensei will be the hokage and sakura-chan is working in the hospital now" then she fell silent "sakura-chan told me you hated flowers I'm sorry I brought it" so she had been here before? "I will take them with me when I leave " he heard some noises but didn't know what was happening "sakura-chan doesn't see you as.." she stopped maybe to think of a word beside traitor "that, she's stressed" then he felt her hand moving his hair back and tapping against his face "thank you for coming back sasuke-san we needed you"
That was maybe one of the reasons he felt like this for her. She didn't chase after him when everyone did , and she cared for him when no one did. He walked out of the building still trying to calm the fire inside him. He couldn't help it only the name of his best friend made him angry but what that nara said burnt him he needed to go out , leave or whatever. And what with that nara did he knew about his secret, No way. No one should know even the hyuga herself didn't know. When sasuke spotted the door his steps fastened hoping to meet her just after that door. And when he stepped out the cool air brushed his face and hair. And finally he recognized what he felt before jealousy. Was he jealous? Sasuke took a deep breath.. after minutes that jealousy was replaced by something cold, his eyes fell to the ground he felt pity for himself (what a life i have?). Sasuke uchiha the person who his life was full of the wrong people and the only right person the only one ,his fate decided to make it impossible to reach her. Maybe he will but not in this life after he die maybe he will reach her. And again that thought about meeting her faded he couldn't meet her after what he said she knows now that the pathetic last uchiha fell for his best friend's fiancée.
Shikamaru walked out of the hokage's office. He stopped looking out of the window to the villagers to the woman who was struggling with the bags she was holding and her kids ,to the old man sitting and holding flowers maybe waiting for someone, to the young lovers who were holding hands and walking out of the small store and to the dark figure who were standing at the door of the entrance for this building he watched him kicking a rock then hide his hand inside his pocket and walked to somewhere, they both share the same fate, hanging in people they couldn't have, he was the genius of them all and yet... he had chosen to give his heart to someone who  couldn't return the favor. Why? "Because I'm a Shinobi too" is what she said, what a fantastic fate he shared with the uchiha

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