Entry 4

23 3 0

October 26   3.34am


Fuck why the heck am I so dumb? Fucking peeped out and guess what? The man was just strolling. STROLLING and once he spotted me, he didn't even bother chasing. He simply waved his hand, probably telling me to 'run along now'.

Gosh I cut through some corners and entered another staircase. This time, I went to level two and entered this mattress store which was called "BedRock". Dafuck was the boss thinking when he created this name?

Anyway, when I entered this shop, I did what anyone would have done. Crawled under one of the display beds to hide, of course. Barely have enough space for my pen to move while I'm writing this hell journal. There's a window at the side too, but I don't think I'll use it. What's the point of having to injure myself pointlessly?

Oh right, as I was dragging my body under the bed with my leg first, I saw this drunk bloke lying on his belly in a corner.

Who the fuck is this guy? Hope he doesn't make any sounds though.

Wait wait there's a sound coming from the door. It's getting louder. Some footsteps. Oh shit oh shit someone's coming in! Ah damn, it's just Allan. He ran to a corner and covered himself with the curtain covers. Haha just like what I did in my childhood when I was playing Hide and Seek.

Ah well my eyes are really tired now. It's way past my bedtime! I usually sleep at 10pm and now its like what? 3am? I don't know.

Hmmm I guess I should try to inch a little bit to get my phone out from my pocket.

Fuck both my pockets are empty. Guess I'll have to look at the sky to guess the time. Fuck this. A fucking gang test led to this crazy killer and the loss of my mobile phone? Fuck this man. Screw it I'll just sleep for a couple of hours until it's daybreak. And then get out of this shithole.

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