Entry 2

33 3 0

October 26   2.54 am

Dear Diary,

Hmm turns out that they're from some other clan in the vicinity. A guy from that gang called "Matt" said that we are supposed to fight it out until everyone from either group falls. The losers stay up here for the night. Whatever. Don't think I'd lose to these pussies though.

What? Allan's backing off to the stairs, saying that we can't win a 3v5. Damn, guess I'mma have to follow too. Oh well, maybe I'm done with this diary after what, two entries? HAHA

Oh wait, there seems to be a sound coming from atop of this stairs. Wait, I thought that this was already the top floor? Ah whatever, who's there anyway?

"Youngsters nowadays. Trying to act like they're some tough guys in the society. Cool kids and what not. Give me a break."

Oooh some black-haired adult was standing up now. Haha what a loser. Does he even know who Allan and Timothy were? Allan started smoking weed at the age of 10 and Timothy's first theft was of a gold-chained necklace when he was 11. Pretty badass if you ask me.

Timothy and the guys from the other clan are jeering and taunting the man now.

"Come down and fight us you dog."

" Yeah, show us some of those 'moooves' you got there."

"Hey you. Over there. With that book of yours."

Oh the man's talking to me right now. Okay.

"You like writing stuff huh? Well, write what I'm gonna say next."

"There was this hungry cat called Tom. For days, Tom had been starving in his house. Until this one fine day, he found this box filled with mice, presumably from his owner. He didn't care. What he cared about though, was his stomach. Under than that, he loved the sense of thrill. And guess what he did? He let the mice out the box, and with a snarl he started chasing them. One. By. One."

Oh fuck he just took out a fucking dagger from his pocket. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck he's walking down the stairs now.

Fuck he's laughing like a mad clown now. Oh shit even the other guys are keeping their mouth shut now.


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