Chapter 31

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Asa's POV

And sting they do. I don't show it, however. I just watch as my oldest friend turns his back on me and walks right out of the house. I can't sense him anymore, but I have no doubt that he's not going anywhere.

"Well, that was waffles," I say to Evan.

We may not have known each other that long, but we came up with a bunch of words. When we were hunting the wendigo, he made me let him help. We had walkie talkies to communicate, and we had a secret language to keep us from saying the wrong things out loud. 'Waffles' meant that it wasn't safe to talk quite yet.

"Yeah, it sure was strange," he agrees. "Who do you think that guy was looking for?"

I fake-sigh. "I don't know, but I'd hate to be her. What's for dinner?"

"I thought I'd make a nice pot roast," Ev replies. I love him for playing along and protecting me without even knowing what he was protecting me from.

"I'm going to go sit in my room," I say. "I need some time to think about what just happened."

He nods, and I go to the nearest room. On our way to this house, we talked. Apparently Ev had his own house already, completely warded against demons, but I had to put up wards for angels. This room is decorated for a guest, straight turquoise sheets and unruffled pillows.

I lay down on the bed, back down.

How did Cas find me? I warded myself and Evan against the angels, so by all reason he shouldn't have found me. And why, why does he have to care so much? I'm not supposed to be an angel, it's clear to anyone paying attention. I did the right thing, I made myself human again. I made Castiel an angel again, I made him what he deserves to be. I don't even deserve to be alive, in any form, including animal, human, demon, or angel. I shouldn't be here.

The nurse. She must have told him Evan's information, and he must have tracked our license plates.

My window opens, and Cas crawls in.

"Go away," I mumble.

He sits next to me. "No."

I sit up and try to push him off the bed, but I'm still so weak from losing my power that I barely move him. "Why are you here?" I ask finally.

"I'm here to get you," he says, his voice sounding confused. "I must take you back to your brothers, back to Heaven, so we can repair you, and we can fix your family."

I don't look at him. "Castiel, don't you get it? I got out of the Winchesters. Evan and I can be normal hunters, without having to worry about this biblical crap. I can just let my brothers think I'm dead, let everyone think I'm dead, but Cas, that will only work if you don't tell anyone I'm alive. Please," I say, begging now. "Please, Cassie, let me stay with Evan. I'll talk to you, give you updates. I'll stay safe. Let me do this."

I don't deserve it. I know he's going to say yes, even though he should know I don't deserve it. I know because he's my oldest friend, and I know how his mind works. What he should do is kill me and forget I ever existed. But I know that nothing I can do or say will get him to let me do that.

"Okay," he says. "But let me heal you first." I nod.

He touches my forehead and mends my spine and all the stuff back there that got damaged. I stand up and stretch my legs.

"Thanks," I whisper, hugging him, "bye bye, Cassie. Stay safe."

He nods before disappearing.

"Evan, we're safe," I call.

He wonders into my room, looking curious. "Who was that?"

"Remember when I told you about Castiel? The angel who's in love with my brother but too dumb to admit it? Yeah, that was him. He came looking for me, was going to try to make me go back to my brothers and all that, my old life. But that's exactly what it is, isn't it? My old life. Now, we focus on our hunting. Any new that comes up about my brothers, we ignore. Got it?" I say.

"Got it," he answers.

"Good. Love you, Ev."

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