Chapter Two.

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3 years later.

Three years have passed since I was forced to take Ruslan as my husband.

Things in my life didn't go as expected  and at the age of eighteen I married a monster.Not that I had any choice anyway.

I rarely see him, which is for the better actually.He is always on business trips,screwing with prostitutes and doing other mafia stuff that I didn't know really.

These three years I didn't have much of interaction with the stuff at the house.They bring food at my bedroom and a guard stays out at my door every single minute looking after me.

My relationship with Ruslan is still bitter.We married just because of a business deal and his desire to take his father's place as the Mafia Boss.

I was finishing my new painting when I heard the knock on the door.I got really worried of who would it be since the maid gets in the room without knocking at all.After sometime when i fixed myself I got ready and open the door only to see Peter standing there.

"The Boss is here and wants to see you "he said with a warning tone on his voice.

"Why?"I simply asked.

His bored expression suddenly turned into furious after he heard my answer.

"What do you mean why?It's the boss decision and you have no saying in it."he snapped at me making me treble only with the sound of his voice.

I didn't say nothing and followed him out of the bedroom.Five minutes later we were in front of a huge double wooden door.

"Go open it and be careful of everything you say and do,understand me ?"He warned me as if he know the things that were to happen next.

I just nodded not knowing what to do at that moment.

After sometime I found the power to open the door.

I walked into a dark office ,various paintings hanged on the wall making the dark atmosphere more artistic.In the centre there was a big wooden office and behind it the devil himself was waiting me.

''Long time no see,angel''he greeted me 

I narrowed my eyes not really answering to him as the detest on my eyes was enough for him to know my answer.He is the man who destroyed my life,killed my father and took away from my parents.Not that they  were my real parents but all in all I still loved them and wanted to see them, for one last time.

''Sit down''he instructed me.

I sat feeling uneasy in front of him.No matter the feeling of hate I had  towards him I would lie if I said that he wasn't hot.He is a man with power and he knew that very well,his presence was enough for you to tremble in front of him.

''I have  an announcement for you''he said to ,me not looking in my eyes at all.

''Three years now I didn't push you into anything,I ignored your presence and respected your decisions.But things have changed.You were brought to me for a reason to enhance my image,but this is not enough.I'm sorry to tell but Irina you have to do a job for me.''

''What job ''I asked scared.No matter what he asked from me I know it wouldn't benefit me.

''I want you to be the mother of my heir.My father insists that I should have a baby,so my image and reputation will be enhanced and my bussiness secured.

"Mr.Ruslan I'm sorry but I cannot do that for you it's impossible.I...I.."

"No one asked you if you could do it or no,it's my demand and you should obey it.You didn't come here because we loved you and cared for you.It was just very easy of us to take you from your joke of a family.You are here on my services and you do as I say.Three whole years I never touched you.I gave you time.Now you are going to do what I say and wish from you.You don't want me to force myself into you right?Do you?he said to me putting on am evil smirk.

When I heard his treats my heart broke and fear overtook my whole body I didn't want to respond at him so I got out of his office after first asking him.

God what have I done to deserve all this.I didn't want to feel vulnerable.I wanted to be strong,this place and its men were making me weak.

I got in my bedroom and cried for hours.I cried because my life turned out like this.His words where to hurtful to me.But he was right my foster parents had no love for me at all,for them l was a bussiness issue.

I saw someone coming  inside my bedroom.It was Peter.

"Get up from bed and stop crying.You knew that was your fate."he sternly told me like it was nothing that today I am gonna get raped in order to conceive a baby for the Mafia Boss."
"Eat"he pushed a tray at me.

"Peter,come we have a meeting downstairs."Vasil,Ruslan's second in demand and Mr handsome too,called him.

"I have to go.Eat."he said getting out.

Suddenly I saw his keys on my bed.I tried to call him but it's was already to late.

Later I was watching Friends on tv just to pass time.I don't understand really these series.

After the episode finished I wondered around my bedroom feeling anxious about what was about to come.Then I remembered the keys Peter forgot.That was my chance.

Finally after three years I could find my strength and I could escape from this hell.An awful idea came into my mind.

I didn't hear voices outside my bedroom so that means that they are still in the meeting.

There was an outside door in the kitchen so if I could find a way to get to the kitchen and pass the maids then I could find my way out and steal a car at the garage.

I opened my door only to see my bodyguard standing there smoking a cigar.

"Where do you think you are going "he asked me looking curiously to me as I don't leave my bedroom often.

"To the kitchen" I answered trying to act calmy

"Ok."he said after looking weirdly at me.

God I never expected that to be so easy.

I headed to the kitchen and I immediately stopped as I heard the voices of two maids talking.

"God,I heard that Mr. Ruslan is gonna have a kid"a blonde maid said cleaning the table.

"Really.I mean how come that wife of his is like a statue anyways she cannot provide him the things men want"the other maid responded.

"I know but what can you say.I thought our boss was a smart man."the blonde said.

I didn't had time to pay attention to the conversation anymore as I headed to the door and hided behind the fridge.

I stayed there for five minutes until I heard no voices on the kitchen.I looked around and the kitchen as empty.I quickly found the door and took the key that wrote KD(kitchen door) and opened the door.

As I got out a freezing air came through my face but I intended to ignore it.I made my way to the garage looking for the black mercedes of Peter.It was not difficult to find.

I hoped inside the car and got through the gates.I hided my hair with a hoodie and face with men black sunglasses even though it was dark.

The bodyguards when they saw the black mercedes immediately opened the door not really looking at my face thanks god.I could say that from their face they were tired.

I turned my head behind to find the lights opened in the living room and some bedrooms that meant that the meeting was over.

Adrenaline took over my body and I got as fast as I could  out of the mansion.

I didn't know how to drive so I guess I was freestyling.Sometimes I couldn't get  control of the wheel and the car got out of my way but I could bring it back in someway.

I didn't know what I was thinking when I stole this car and left the mansion.

My thoughts were broken as I heard cars running beside me.I knew they were Ruslan's men.

Fear  took my body and I couldn't handle it anymore I let the wheel out of my control,something I would regret later.

Without realising it seconds later my car collided with one of Ruslan's man car and that was the last thing I remember from this night.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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