By the way, let's go camping!

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what could go wrong when you're with a couple of bros being dudes


Daniel: We're going camping!

Jay: Why did you just walk in here and announce that all of a sudden?

Stephen: No, why are we going CAMPING? I won't submit to your demands, old man!

Daniel: I'll bring ice cream in the cooler.

Stephen: ...Still conflicted, but semi-persuaded.

Hosuh: Do we even have camping supplies?

Daniel: Nope!

. . .

Hosuh: Sooo, are we--

Daniel: I'll be back in two hours!

Jay: oh my god...



Hosuh: Where are we even going to camp?

Daniel: With the power of imagination, we can camp anywhere.

Jay: Like the backyard?

Daniel: Like a pussy? No. We're camping elsewhere.

Jay: Damn, okay...

Stephen: Any ideas?

Daniel: Hmm...




[everyone is suddenly transported to camping grounds]


Hosuh: Huh? What? Huh???

Jay: i.

Daniel: See, I used my imagination, unlike you guys.

Stephen: WHAT ARE YOU?!

Daniel: Superior. :)

Hosuh: Did you just say "smiley-face" out loud--


Daniel: Well that's the fire done, how about the tents?

Hosuh: Stephen's not helping us.

Stephen: Hey, I brought the needed supplies over here. [sips the water out of his pink hydroflask]

Jay: And then you stopped helping, yes.

Daniel: You still have that thing?

Stephen: What?

Daniel: The hydroflask.

Stephen: It's convenient, stylish, and especially fitting for the camping atmosphere, stop bullying me when I'm the best.

Daniel: You're gonna become a VSCO girl!

Stephen: I don't know what that is, but I'm better than these VSCO girls! I'm best girl overall!

Jay: You'd think the 'best girl' would be a LITTLE more helpful.

Stephen: QUIET, SLAVE.


Hosuh: You know what? This isn't so bad.

Daniel: See, camping is fun, we're just sitting here, roasting marshmallows, making smores...

Jay: [comes running back to the camp] Stephen agitated wildlife.

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