My Friend My Friend and Me

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OKAY LOOK I WANTED TO GET ALL THE MBMBAM-RELATED IDEAS IN MY HEAD OUT OF THE WAY SO I'M PUTTING IT ALL IN ONE CHAPTER SO YOU NEVER HAVE TO HAVE A SEPERATE MBMBAM CHAPTER EVER AGAIN (examples are 'case of the mondays' and 'cursing stephen') unless i discover a mbmbam thing that i just HAVE to convert into a danplan bit


Daniel: ObligatoryFakeUsername asks: What is your favorite wizard swear?

Stephen: Ooh.

Hosuh: What is your favorite... Wizard swear...

Stephen: Um... Is there any context to the question, Dan?

Daniel: Of course not!

Stephen: [chuckle] Oh, I think I really like fuck.



Hosuh: There was one day in high school, where Stephen... Stephen says "Knock knock", and I said "Who's there", Stephen says "Knife", I say "Knife who", and Stephen says "Would you rather work knifely, or nightly". What does it mean? We'll never know.

Stephen: Yeah, Daniel used to have a really good bit where he would say "Is there a baker under your bed?" and you'd say no, and then Daniel would say "Have you checked?" then you'd say no, and Daniel would say "Then how do you know there's not a baker under your bed?"

Daniel: I have a confession that I need to get off my chest.

Hosuh: Okay.

Stephen: Ooh, wow.

Daniel: ...I stole the "baker under your bed" joke from the movie Rocketman..! [CHUCKLES]

Stephen: [WHEEEEZE]



Stephen: I want to talk about Hosuh's--[goes to touch his shoulder]

Hosuh: No, please don't touch me right now while we talk about spiders.


Stephen: I wish you could feel the energy coming from him! It's like waves! The yuck waves!

Hosuh: We're just-- We're talking about them so much, I can feel them on the back of my neck...

Stephen: Close your eyes for a second and tell me what is it that you're actually afraid of, what bothers you about it, try to envision one! Get down to the deepest part of this fear, close your eyes!

Hosuh: [closes his eyes]

Stephen: [slowly goes to touch the back of his neck]



Daniel: Stephen, what have you prepared for us?

Stephen: The first invention that I've come up with is 'Pornography for Birds'.

Daniel: Disgusting, next.

Stephen: ...I'd like to spend a little bit more time exploring 'Pornography for Birds' with you.

Hosuh: No, please...

Daniel: That makes one third of the table that wants to continue to talk about 'Pornography for Birds'.


Hosuh: I'd like to present you with the high-tech résumé of the future. [places a LED board on the table and starts it up]

Daniel: [reading it as words go by] "Hosuh is... Hungry for responsibility", excellent, that's great. "Horny for teamwork... And ready to bu--"[WHEEEEEEZE]"--bust a nut up in this job"??? This is VERY sexual.

Stephen: [chuckling a bit]

Daniel: Your skills, let's get into those, "Eight foot--[WHEEZE]--VERTICAL LEAP". Okay, that's very impressive, I do love to play basketball, "Young--"[laughing]"dumb, and full of... you know" and I see you got a little winky face there...

Stephen: That's great.

Daniel: "Oh shit, this thing has--"[laughing]"--OTHER COLORS", you're kind of figuring it out on the job...

Stephen: [LAUGHTER]

Daniel: "Thanks for your time", you're welcome. ..."I love you". Okay, that's a little...



Stephen: After I did that hilarious thing where I pretended there was a spider on Hosuh's neck, um, he hit me on the arm. Very hard. I expect some bruising tomorrow.

Hosuh: I hit Stephen at about 45% strength, that was too much...

Daniel: Uhhh, hey folks, it's us boys here at Danplan, just telling you: Don't hit. 'Cause the energy in there? It fudging sucked.

Hosuh: It wasn't long-term-friends-weird, but it was professionals-working-together-weird FOR SURE.


Stephen: [immediately rubbing the arm that was abused by hosuh] OW.

Hosuh: Don't do that shit again.

Stephen: Okay..!

Daniel: AAAAnd we'll cut right there...


now that all the mbmbam bits (that fit danplan) are out of the way, we can focus on other unoriginal (but hopefully mostly original) content. ANYWAY 4K READS we're still going strong B^)

also a fun little insider, i saw on the danplan twitter that jay went/is going to vidcon and the last day is tomorrow.......good luck if you're at vidcon, you have one day to participate in the Jay Hunt™ (if you do find him remember basic human decency, no one wants to be that guy...)

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