Class 1-A

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"Hurry up Rin I don't want to be late!" Kachan yelled at me as I rushed down the stairs with my bag to get to kachan who was waiting for me outside my house.

"Sorry Kachan! Heh, everyone thinks you are a punk who would be late to class but you are actually really studious Kachan." I laughed and he flushed red.

"Shut up and let's go. I don't want any of the extras to beat us there." Kachan said as he pulled me along with him to U.A where we had to use our new school id's to get past the security gate.

"This place is so big kachan," I said as I looked around the hallways as he dragged me to class.

"Yeah, yeah whatever it ain't that impressive," Katsuki spoke as we walked into class to see that we were indeed the first people to get to class. We checked the seating arrangement and Kachan cursed.

"Damn it! You are sitting across the room from me." Kachan growled as he saw our names apart from each other.

"Hey calm down look at it this way, even if I'm not next to you I also will be away from Izuku. See." I told him with a sigh as I pointed to Izuku's name who has to sit behind kachan.

"I guess but I can't believe that damn nerd is going to sit behind me and that he even got into this class," Kachan said with a pout as he looked away from me but before I could answer I was tackled.

"Wolf boy!" A girl screamed in my ear making me whimper slightly at the noise.

"M-mina?" I asked shocked as I saw the pink girl from the exam on top of me.

"You remembered! I found out you were the wolf who helped me out after I started asking around." Mina told me.

"Hey, raccoon eyes! Get off of Rin!" Kachan yelled and Mina pouted but helped me up and looked at the seating list.

"Haha! Look's like I get Rin since he sits next to me." Mina laughed as she dragged me away from the fuming Katsuki. "You are so cute Rin! I thought you would look different since your wolf form is so intimidating." 

"Ah thank you Mina," I told her with a light blush at being called cute.

"Hey, can I pet you? I really want to touch your ears." Mina asked me and I nodded as I noticed other kids walking in.

"Yes! Oh, they are so soft!" She squealed and I smiled as she pets me as it felt nice.

"Remove your foot from that desk! Such an action is insulting to those who came to U.A before us as well as to the craftsmen who made the desk!" The black/blue-haired kid from the presentation yelled at Kachan who had propted his feet up on his desk.

"Ah, Kachan is causing trouble again," I muttered with a sweatdrop.

"How do you know the angry kid Rin?" Mina asked as she scratched behind my ear and my tail started to thump against the chair.

"Kachan is my childhood friend," I told Mina with a smile.

"Like I care! What middle school are you from you Extra?" Kachan asked the boy and I relaxed into my seat and just let Mina pet me. I almost dozed off before a new voice entered my hearing but it held authority so it made me sit up.

"It took you eight seconds to quite down. Time is a precious resource, you lot aren't very resourceful are you?" The man wearing all black stated before he turned to me and Mina.

"Ashido stop petting Rin you are making his tail thump against the chair." He told us and Mina immediately stopped and that was when I noticed my tail was going at high speed against the chair and I turned to try and grab it to quiet it.

"I'm your homeroom teacher Shouta Aizawa. Pleased to meet you." He informed us as I caught my tail with a grin. "Quickly now change into your gym clothes and head out to the grounds."

I grabbed my gym clothes and headed to the boy's locker room with the other boys in my class.

"Hey Rin! It's me Kirishima." A boy with spiky red hair called out to me.

"Kirishima? You died your hair." I pointed out.

"Yeah, do you like it?" He asked me as he rubbed the back of his neck nervous for the wolf boys response.

"It looks good on you Kirishima. I really like it." I told him and he flushed red.

"Get out of my way you extra's, Rin get over here," Kachan called for me.

"Ah, I will see you outside Kirishima," I told the boy as I made my way to kachan.

"Hey man stop bossing the cute wolf boy around," Kaminari whispered to Katsuki who glared at him.

"Don't tell me how to talk to my friends," Katsuki told the boy off before Rin glomped him.

"Kachan, it feels like forever since I could talk to you," I told my angry friend who patted my head before pushing me off and started to change clothes.

"It hasn't been that long so stop being so dramatic," Kachan told me and I pouted before I started to change as well.

"Hey there my name is Sero, my quirk is tape. What's your name and quirk?" A black-haired boy asked me.

"Oh, my name is Rin. My quirk is wolf that's why I have a tail and ears of a wolf." I told the boy with a smile.

"Hey that's pretty cool and wait aren't you the kid who got first place?" He questioned and I nodded.

"That's right, you got a total of 111 points. Man, you destroyed the rest of us." A blond-haired kid with a black lightning bolt in his hair spoke up. "My name is Kaminari by the way."

"Nice to meet you Kaminari. I didn't mean to crush anyone I just wanted to pass. Besides most of my points are rescue points not villain points so I'm sure the majority of you guys would have beat me if U.A wasn't giving out rescue points." I told them as I scratched my cheek nervous.

"Let's go Rin," Kachan said as he started to drag me outside.

"Ah, I will see you all out here!" I called to them as they looked shocked that kachan just casually took me with him.

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