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"Fenris lead Alarick and Edon. If you come across any students that look like they can't defeat the robots get them to safety. Alarick take down the robots that they couldn't defeat. I'll focus on racking up points from my end." I ordered them as we ran forward with the other kids following now that they got over their shock.

"Yes alpha!" They responded as they took off and I grinned a wolfish grin as I came across a pack of two pointers.

"An easy twelve points," I spoke with confidence as I destroyed the pack of six with my tail and jaws before running around to find more bots to destroy. I have to beat Kachan. I turned a corner and saw a student almost get crushed by a bot before I ran into it knocking it off balance and I tore into it. Huh, that was a three-pointer. 

"Thank you! I thought my acid could have handled it but I guess I overestimated myself there." The pink girl spoke to me as I looked at her.

"No problem. I wouldn't want a fellow student getting hurt." I told her as I another set of three-pointers came strolling at us from down the street. "Try aiming for the heads or the chest," I told her as I jumped into action by biting into one as my tail swiped at another.

"Right!" The girl yelled as she flung acid at the robot's head and chest until it dropped.

"Congrats you just got three points. I'll leave you be so you can earn points without me in your way." I told her as I made to leave.

"Bye wolfy! I hope we end up in the same class! My name is Mina Ashido, don't forget me!" Mina yelled before running off and I chuckled.

"How could I forget someone who is pink." I laughed but was quickly stopped short as the ground started to shake and I heard screaming.

"Is that the zero pointer?!" Someone yelled as the building around us started to fall as the giant zero pointer came towards us with everyone beginning to run.

'Alarick help get the students to safety. I will make sure no is near the zero pointer.' I tell Alarick through our mind link.

'Yes, alpha." He responds as I run to where the robot is destroying the mock city streets to see if anyone needs help get out of the way of destruction. I quickly scanned the streets and rubble looking for anyone who might need help and as I go to turn around after not seeing anyone I hear a voice.

"Please help me." A male voice says with a groan and I turn to where it was to find a purple-haired boy with his leg stuck under some rubble with the zero pointer closing in on him. Without thinking I transform into my ten-foot wolf form and charge at the robot. I jump up and dig my claws into the sides to hold me up and I bit down harshly on the head of the bot to make it short circuit and shut down.

'Edon save the purple-haired kid.' I ordered as I let go of the bot and began to fall back to the ground with my body shrinking back to normal and before I hit the ground I passed out.

Third-person pov:

"I got you alpha," Alarick spoke as he grabbed Rin while he was falling and before he hit the floor. Except it wasn't the cute wolf boy Alarick grabbed, it was a small wolf pup.

"I have healed the purple boy alpha wanted to save," Edon spoke up as he made his way over to where Alarick held Rin who was a wolf pup by the scruff of his neck.

"I see alpha overused his quirk again," Fenris spoke as he joined the group.

"It's all over!" Present Mic yelled alerting everyone that the test had ended.

"I believe alpha got enough points to be put into the hero course and to beat kachan," Alarick told the two who nodded. "Alright, you two are dismissed. I will take alpha to the front of the building where Kachan will take him and then I can leave so that he can regain some energy to return to his normal form." 

"Very well," Edon said as he disappeared with Fenris.

"Come now alpha, Kachan will be happy to see you like this," Alarick said as he passed a bunch of examiners who stared confused at the sight of them.

"Where is that damn idiot? He better not be skipping out on me." Katsuki growled as he looked around for Rin who promised to meet him after the exam. "What the hell?" Katsuki growled as he felt something scratch his leg and he looked down to see Alarick holding onto a now awake wolf pup.

"Alarick? Did Rin overuse his damn quirk again?" Kachan asked as he took Rin who Alarick offered him with a nod. "Thanks buddy. You can go now I will take care of him." Kachan said with a sigh as he held a yipping Rin who licked his face. "Why do you always lick me when you are a wolf pup. You never do it when you are in human form." Kachan spoke with a huff as he began his walk home where he was taking Rin. Like hell was he going to drop off a basically useless Rin who had a tendency to be a little dumb in this form of his.

"Arf!" Rin barked as his tail wagged fast in excitement to be in kachan's arms.

"Wow in first place with 90 rescue points and 21 villain points! This kid is amazing! Not to mention how he took out that zero pointer to save the purple-haired kid!" The U.A staff were praising the wolf boy who earned himself first place.

"Hey Shouta! Did you see the cute wolf-boy? Did ya? Did ya? He was so precious and I didn't realize he could do so much damage with his quirk. Hey! That means he will be in your class!" Present Mic yelled to his best friend who looked tired but that wasn't anything new.

"Be quiet Hizashi. I saw him. He did good I just wonder what exactly his time limit is for that ten-foot transformation. I wonder if it is longer but he transformed back faster because of how much he was using it for strength or if that is always the time limit. Also if he can learn to extend the time on it." Shouta Aizawa the class 1-A homeroom teacher spoke to his extremely loud friend.

"Eh, I guess those are good questions but I want to know about the drawback to his quirk. You saw how after he stopped using the ten-foot form he became a wolf pup. It was so cute! I want to know how long he is in that form and if he is fluffy. What do you think huh all might?" Hizashi asked the symbol of peace who was also in the room watching the events that transpired.

"Huh oh uh I know young Rin has very soft ears," Toshinori spoke up which caused a slack-jawed Hizashi to look at him in disbelief.

"You already know? How!? I want to touch the ears too!" Mic whined before being silenced by Aizawa.

"And how do you know that Toshinori?" Shouta asked in surprise all though he covered it well.

"I met young Rin during his last year at junior high. He is friends with young Midoriya the boy I passed my quirk too." All might told them with a grin.

"Shouta since the wolf boy is going to be in your class can I stop by to pet him at least once. He is so precious. He was the only one to cheer during my presentation." Hizashi pleaded to Shouta who stood up and walked away.

"No," Aizawa responded while Mic cried about how unfair he was being to Toshinori who tried to console him.

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