Shivaaye's men were always under her control and that fool didn't even know, he never got the right information of Shivanya and always was contend thinking Shivanya was happy away from him. Shivanya didnt want him near her, shivanya was afraid of him and she laughed on the face of their miseries, finding joy in their slow destruction.

She made sure Anika's children were not hers. None of Anika's children were all hers. Shivaansh was Ishana's, Ansh was all Ishana's and sometimes she thinks whether she made a mistake separating Om and Ishana. Maybe if Ishana was Om's wife she would have stood against Om and not let Prinku be miserable unlike Gauri who never stands against her husband and she'll be punished for that. Yes, she'll be punished for all her mistakes.

Shivanya, Anika's dear daughter. She had seen the love in Anika eyes for that child, knew what kind of hold that child has on her parents. Anika loved Shivanya just as much as she love's Prinku and she doesn't have her Prinku now then how could Anika have her Shivanya. Anika couldn't have Shivanya and she snatched away Shivanya from her parents. Anya is a stranger to her parents, Anya hates her parents and she relishes whenever she sees Anika breakdown sobbing as if it's the end of world because of Anya and oh how she loves watching Shivaaye and Anika cry because of their beloved children.

Shivika, huh little spoilt princess Shivika raised by Pinky only getting glances of her sick, suffering mother throughout her childhood and how easy was it too exploit a child's love for her mother. How easy it was too fill her brain with venom against her dear sweet sister, daily whispers of how her sister was responsible for her mother's condition. How it was because of Anya Shivika couldn't get her mother's love and how Shivanya was the reason her mother was suffering like this, the reason her mother's pain and cries and telling a sorrowful tale of her mother's misery made that girl also cry to her sleep daily, cry for her mother. She had watched the foolish girl stand under the burning sun praying for her mother's health and suffer from sunburn after that and she loved her pain and relished in the hatred seeping through the girl's vein for her sister. Oh, how easy it is too manipulate a innocent heart who trusts your words as if its the law. She watched as Pinky spoiled the girl rotten and she introduced the girl with alcohol at the tender age of 12. She let her get drunk and even had planned the perfect end of her how heartbroken Shivaaye and Anika will be watching their daughter lying somewhere half naked, high on drugs and booze and dead, dead due to drug over dose but it all changed that day, that day when Shivika woke at the hospital. She went to rehab, didnt touch alcohol at all and stayed away from everyone just accompanied her mother but still she'll give that girl the end she had planned for her. Who'll know the difference of drugs forced in someone and someone naturally dying of drug overdose and with her history no one will ask questions and even if they did she'll silence them.

Omkara and Gauri, Om was her own son yet she was burning with fury. She won't hurt him as much as she hurts Shivaaye and Anika but they'll suffer too. She made sure Gauri stays busy with whatever works she give her, the high class party arrangements, charity programmes, meetings and every other thing she could think, distancing her from her own children, lessening her influence on her children.

Omav is like her own son. She raised Omav as her own, she couldn't raise Om but she raised Omav but she hurt him too not badly but he needed to be hurt so that his parents will be hurt. He needed to suffer a little, she pushed him down the stairs and watched as Anya came there after Omav already hit the ground looking at Omav with horror stricken gaze and Pinky caught Anya on the crime scene. Pinky hated Anya anyway and couldn't be happy finding reason to punish the girl. She cried and took Omav to hospital, apologized to the sleeping boy but it needed to be done and danced with happiness watching Om and Gauri's pain and hurt, manipulating Omav wasn't also hard the lad still thinks Anya pushed him down the stairs but he was so much like his father too. Never going for revenge, he just avoided Anya altogether, staying as far as possible from her and Anya was hurt from his distance and she was happy as long as Anya was sad. Omav is her heir, Omav is her son. She didnt hurt Omav ever after that and watched him grow as distant as possible from his mother. She loved when he come to her for any problem he had and she let him enjoy as much as he wants, Omav is her heir, she raised him as her own son and he'll always get what he wants if its Panchi she'll make sure he have Panchi. She won't let him get on his knee and beg in front of someone, not at all that Anya's again. Anya teared her heart apart that day when she slapped Omav and he said nothing. He even thanked her and it wont repeat again. Omav wont ever now in front of the house.

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