Chapter 15- Confession Time

Start from the beginning

"Hopefully not what I'm thinking." Tom muttered.

"Which issssss..." Janna wondered.

"I mean, isn't it obvious? Usually, when a parent wants to 'talk' to their daughter's boyfriend, it means bad news." Tom explained.

"Bad news? Whaaat are you talking about?" Star asked, becoming even more concerned by the if she wasn't upset enough as it is.

"Well, from my experience, not that I've been in this...situation before but-" Tom started

"Tom, it happened the first time we were dating." Star reminded him.

"...we shall never speak of that day, Star." Tom told her. "Anyway, it usually means that he did something to upset them."

"What? But...but Marco didn't do anything wrong!" Star spoke. She began to get up carefully.

"What are you doing?" Janna asked.

"I need-" Star took a breath. " get in there and prove..." She grunted. " my mom...he's innocent!" Star said, about to walk towards the temple.

"Nice going, genius. Now she's freaking out." Janna said to Tom. Tom turned to Star.

"Wait, Star! I never said that was the case." Tom reassured her.

"Then what else can it be, Tom? Huh? Please enlighten me here!" Star said.

"Uhhhh..." Tom couldn't think of anything else.

"Exactly. I gotta get in there." Star told them, making her way to the temple.

"Hey, do you need help? I mean, you just got hit by a taser." Janna reminded her.

"Nope. I'm fine. This is between me and my mother...and Marco." Star responded. Tom and Janna watched as she walked away. They wanted to stop her but they've known for a long time that nothing and no one could ever get in Star's way, especially if she's this focused on fixing something. Eclipsa came over to them, noticing Star walking away.

"Where is Star going?" Eclipsa asked.

"To talk to her mom. I think that she thinks that her mom thinks that Marco is responsible for Star's hearts coming back." Janna told her. "Well, that sentence felt more exhausting to say than it should have."

"Wait, I'm sorry. Star's hearts are back?" Eclipsa asked, shocked.

"Yeah. The rain washed away the makeup that was hiding them." Tom told her.

"Oh...did Star tell you how they appeared?" Eclipsa asked them.

"Yeah." Janna responded. Eclipsa started to look anxious. Tom and Janna took notice to it. "You okay?" Eclipsa looked to the ground, getting a feeling in her gut that something weird is going on. She turned her gaze back to the two teenagers.

"Tell me everything Star told you." Eclipsa asked them.

"Now, I know you might find it odd that I wanted to talk to you instead of Star." Moon told Marco, who was gripping the edge of his seat in fear.

"Actually, yeah. Why want to talk to me?" Marco asked. "Not that...I mind it! It's just...kind of strange since Star is the one with the hearts on her cheeks...they're pretty hearts! Very" Marco rambled, trying to make a good impression at the moment before clearing his throat. Moon decided to disregard his behavior for the time being. She turned away from the window and sat in the chair behind the desk.

"Well...I feel that Star won't tell me absolutely everything that is going on. She can some situations. She says it's mainly to protect me and everyone she loves but I feel that in times like this, I must know every detail in order to help her." Moon told him.

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