In fact, she was the only woman I had ever seen myself having children with.

"And she knows...about us. I'm sorry, Dominic, but we can't do this anymore," she spoke the words with confidence and I looked up at her in disbelief then.

"No, Genevieve. I need you. I need you now more than ever!" 

I went to reach for her hand, but she pulled it from reach.

And I couldn't bear to see the rejection in her eyes. 

She had to understand that this was just a minor set back. That it was something I would fix and then things would go back to normal! 

"Genevieve, please, baby, we can and will get through this."

I reached for her again, this time her hip, but when that one word fell from her lips, it took all of my strength not to fall to the ground and beg on my knees. 

Why couldn't she see that she was all I ever needed?

"You can't mean it, Princess. You can't, please take it back!" 

I wanted this all to be a dream that I would wake up any minute from. 

It was unfair and unacceptable! There was no way that I would lose her over a careless mistake.

My mind raced back to Jasmine. When had she found the time to tell Genevieve?

I watched Genevieve back away down the hall and towards the party, "I'm sorry, Dominic, but this is over. Go be with your family, Sir."

She turned her back and took a piece of me with her.


"Is it true," I asked, my tone abrasive.

I found her talking and laughing with someone from the committee board. 

She looked so carefree—as if finding out you're pregnant isn't a big deal. 

Why hadn't she told me she was pregnant first? Why was the first person she told Genevieve?

Jasmine turned to me and her eyes widened before she excused her self from her previous conversation and brought me to a secluded corner.

"What are you talking about," she asked as she fidgeted with her fingers and I watched her eyes shift. 

Why was she acting so nervous?

"Cut the shit, Jasmine. Why wasn't I the first to know?" 

I was seething at how stupid she was acting, like she had no idea what I was talking about, like the news she had told Genevieve was no big deal. 

"Why are you acting this way to me, Dominic? You've never been this mean before," she pouted and I hated even being in her presence right now.

"Seriously, Jasmine, you have two seconds to explain yourself to me or I'm going to blow up! Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant first? Why did I have to find out from Genevieve?"

I watched her face harden, "Because I'm tired of her coming between us. You act like I didn't know what was going on Dominic. I knew you were seeing her behind my back and I told her to keep her away from you. You're mine, not hers."

I arched an eyebrow as the realization hit me, "Are you even pregnant?"

A blush spread across her cheeks, "Yes, Dominic. You really think I'd lie about this?"

I lowered my voice and leaned a little closer, "Yes, I do. I think you'd do anything to keep Genevieve away from me. Even lie to keep her away." 

I backed up and raked my eyes over her body in disgust before looking back into her eyes, "What kind of woman fakes a pregnancy?"

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