Chapter Thirty-Nine

Start from the beginning

I’ve got friends.

Friends who’re not in prison for stupid bullshit like you’re blaming me of.

Hold on tight to your little freak circus of a family if you want them to be safe.

What the hell do you want from me now?

You moved out of the old house, right?

Didn't know you were that big of a coward, (Y/N).

I'm not here to talk about your life choices, though.

But I am gonna warn you.

About what?

About the safety of the freaks you're friends with.

I'll call to give you directions on where to go for that.

Why not tell me now?

I'm not that stupid anymore, (Y/N).

I know what you're trying to do with that.

You either pick up my call and hear me out, or I'll tell my friends you want your friends dead.

How can I know you're not bluffing?

See for yourself.

>>Attachment: 3 images<<

Sans has to hold back his anger and shock when the pictures load. The first one is of Sunny: the shy little Whimsun he had known to be (Y/N)'s coworker and subsequent friend. Her face is one of pure, uncensored fear as a masked figure holds a gun to her back. Her wings are tattered and so are her antennae, showing additional signs of struggle by the dirty work uniform she wore. The next one is of the bunny mother and the bear: the couple of the bunny child who Faust first made friends with. There's two masked figures this time around, one keeping the bear down by stepping on his back with the help of a hiking boot, while the other one has the mother in a strong chokehold. The last picture is of Solana sitting on the floor, clothes tattered and hair messy as she glares at the camera. She shows to have put on a fight by the dark, swollen eye the masked figure sports, along with the equally torn and dirtied clothes the person has.

It starts with unread ones now, each bunch separated by a few minutes.

Not answering me anymore, huh?

Already fell for my bait?

Heard you went with Sam to a hotel last night.

How long did it take you? Eight. . . Or ten months, was it?

You think you’re real different now that you’re not with me, don’t you?

When just two years ago, you couldn’t have enough of me.

How was it, by the way? Sam, I mean.

Was he any good in bed?

Still not answering me? Man, you must be running wild now.

You should’ve waited ‘till I told you what all this was about.

'Cuz you’re the only one I want to see gone.

For the first time in a while, Sans sees blue. He sets the broken phone back in its place, another small, seamless crack passing through the screen when he puts too much pressure into it. Although the name was under ‘Migraine in human form’, it was made clear the person was none other than the one obstacle he had wanted gone since the day they had taken Faust from (Y/N)’s care. He had been so, so close to reaching that next step with the human yesterday, he had to stop himself from kissing them the time they quite literally threw themselves at him, not only for their strong reaction when having him accidentally touch their skin, but for the things that were left to be discussed between him and (Y/N). He knew what would happen if he got his hopes up like he had yesterday, yet he was far from expecting something like this.

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