Chapter 24: You Can't Save Everyone Arowheart (Malec)

Start from the beginning

Sparkpaw struggles to control her breathing, the adrenaline rush almost making her vision burn an angry red. Around them the rest of the cats continue to fight on. She finds herself unable to pick out Patchfur and Arrowheart from the fighting crowd, though she does see Silverthorn and Strikeclaw tag teaming a badger with a particularly nasty scar across its nose. The thing was gnashing at the two cats with its massive teeth. This was to no avail however as the two werecats would continue to narrowly escape each and every attack.

Their strategy was extremely dangerous, and one wrong move could result in serious trouble.

Sparkpaw found herself liking it all the more.

"I don't see Patchfur and Arrowheart. Do you?" Sparkpaw asks Simon.

Simon's eyes narrow as he scans the group of battling combatants, looking for some black or ginger fur. Eventually he nods, his whiskers twitching.

"They're over that way!" Simon shouts before launching forward. With his vampiric speed making him much faster then he previously was, Sparkpaw struggles to keep up with her friend. She was mindful of the paw swipes and screeches of angry badgers.

Blood coats the forest floor to stain her own paws red. Her heart pounds wildly as she passes by a body laying on the ground. She had past by it much too quick to recognize who it was, but from the shape it had to be a cat. Her whole body trembles with the knowledge of death

Just how many cats will die here before the bloodshed ends?! How many lives will be needlessly lost?!

Sparkpaw was scared to find out the answer. So she focuses on propelling herself through the madness. Dirt kicks up in dusty sprays, not doing anything to cover up the red stain on the forest floor.

They find Arrowheart and Patchfur mauling a ginormous badger. The creature was an odd coloration of mostly white with a few whisky stripes of black, though it's originally blanc coat was splattered with blood now. Arrowheart is busy scratching down the badger's right flank, while Patchfur claws at those beady black eyes. Red magic swirls around Patchfur's claws as he attacks, slamming into other parts of the badger to cause immense pain.


The badger yelps after receiving a particularly nasty bite from Arrowheart in its hindquarters. The creature turns to run, making the warriors leap down from it in the process. The silhouette of the badger is like a runaway ghost in the night, disappearing quickly into the tree line.

"Arrowheart, Patchfur, what do we do? How do we stop these things?" Simon asks.

Arrowheart spits out a chunk of flesh, shaking his fur out. The furry blob that laid on the ground was likely from the Shadowhunter's attack on the badgers shoulder, but seeing as it had been missing several chunks of fur from its body. Sparkpaw is mildly surprised that either one of the couple took the initiative to rip off fur, especially since the smell of it was dank and greasy.

"I have an idea, but it might be dangerous." Arrowheart murmurs. The tall, lithe warrior was panting loudly, his shoulders heaving with the effort. Blood stains his paws and drips down his muzzle. Sparkpaw is relieved not to see any visible wounds on her mentor, or on Patchfur for that matter.

"And that would be..." Patchfur trails off, his golden-green eyes widening in realization. "You can't be serious?! That could get you killed." He growls.

"Sparkpaw can give me the Fearless rune so I can handle the badgers. You don't have a better idea, do you?" Arrowheart challenges his boyfriend. The two are staring into each other's eyes, their expressions fierce. Blue eyes bare down at Patchfur with relentless intensity.

Book 2: City of Ice and Fire (a warriors cats and shadowhunters crossover)Where stories live. Discover now