Grey raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips as if he were amused.

"Of course you'd rather sit in silence," his eyes twinkled mischievously as he spoke.

"Can you please just shut up? Please. I'm not interested in anything you have to say until Michael gets here," I clenched my jaw tightly, turning back to look at the sunrise.

"What happened to 'I still love you' and all that shit last night?" Grey narrowed his eyes a little.

"I do love you. Way too much for my own good. So much that despite hating you for everything you've done to me and to others, I'm still here, waiting to hear your side of the story," I replied coldly, my eyes meeting his in an icy glare.

"I love you too," Grey breathed softly, his gaze way too intense for me to hold.

I looked back at the sunrise, ignoring the chill racing up my spine. I watched the first bit of the suns rays reach above the earth, illuminating the horizon in a neon orange glow.

At that very moment, a knock resounded at the door.

I turned to Grey, who stood up and walked over to it. He opened the door wide, allowing Michael in.

He was in a light grey suit, his fawn brown hair trimmed neatly at all sides. Michaels warm eyes met mine and crinkled as a smile curled on his lips. He was stupid beautiful. A different kind of beautiful than Grey, but beautiful nonetheless. He was the embodiment of Archangel.

"Miss Greene, it's a pleasure to see you again," Michael greeted me warmly, outstretching a hand for me to shake.

I glanced at it, then looked back up at him. After realizing I wasn't about to be courteous, he took his hand back, brushing it awkwardly on his slacks.

"I want to know the truth, Michael. Now," I said sternly.

Michael sucked in a deep breath, glancing at Grey, then back at me.

"Before we continue, I need to check on something. First of all, has your soul been... acting up? Are you finding it difficult to control?" He asked politely, leaning against the kitchen counter.

I paused.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I scowled.

"I'll take that as a yes. Now, Miss Greene, will you give me your hand?" Michael pushed off of the countertop and strolled over to me, offering me his hand again.

"Why?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Please, Miss Greene. You'll understand soon," he replied with a cordial smile.

I huffed and outstretched my arm, placing my hand in his. Michael closed his eyes, his lips moving so subtly as if he were muttering words only he were meant to hear. After a moment, his eyelids flew open and he dropped my hand, taking a step back and nodding. He glanced to Grey.

"She's right where we wanted her. Azrael, this is your story to tell. You've been through enough. I'll take my leave and give you two some privacy," Michael acknowledged Grey with a curt nod.

"Thank you," Grey's shoulders appeared to slump a little in relief as we watched Michael turn on his heel and start walking towards the door.

"Oh. Before I forget. We will be back to collect her tomorrow morning. But, Azrael?" Michael let out a breath. "You're welcome to come."

Something unreadable flashed in Grey's eyes, and disappeared the next moment. At that, Michael turned back around and left, closing the door firmly behind him.

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