I should be flattered that Liam dumped all those girls; happy even and yet here I am, alone and afraid of what may come. When did I become so fragile? I used to be much tougher than this, unafraid, strong and confident and now, I hiding like a little rabbit in a burrow.

I played with my phone to pass the time and then I suddenly got a call with no caller ID. "I know it's you, so watch your back BITCH!" The female voice said on the other end of the line and then hanged up. It took me by surprise, shocked me and as I stared at the screen of my phone with trembling hands I started to cry. This is the price I have to pay for loving someone like Liam, I thought to myself. The real question is, is he worth it? I guess only time will tell.


I counted the minutes and seconds, for this day to end and as the bell rang, I rushed to pick all my stuff up and left the classroom. I didn't dare to look at anyone in the eyes, I just wanted to get the hell out of school and go home where I knew I would feel safe except I didn't anticipate what was about to happen.

"Yo Nichole!" A familiar voice called out to me happily. Everyone's eyes where on Liam and me, making me feel even more uncomfortable than I did all day, but what made me feel even more unsettled, was see his black eye. What the hell happened to him? I must have stared at him for longer than I thought, as he called out to me again and louder than I would have liked.

"Nicky?"  He yells while approaching me at a fast pace, right by the school gates. I guess there is no avoiding him now and besides, that black eye has me worried. What kind of trouble did he get himself into this time? "Oh, hey! What happened to you?" I answered while keeping a casual distance and pointing to his face, so as to not make people get the wrong idea, which isn't wrong, just not the right time. That earlier phone-call gave me the hiby geebies. 

"Oh hey? Are you taking the piss?"  Why is he mad at me? Still this might be better than everyone thinking I'm the mystery girl going out with him. I stand there probably looking a little stunned, but as I look around me, I notice that everyone's attention hasn't dissipated, in fact they are all staring just waiting for what may happen next. "Hi then?" I say with a hint of sarcasm, which I hope he won't take the wrong way. Will it work as a casual greeting?

"You're starting to piss me off! Where have you been all day? I've been looking for you!"  Shit! The way he's talking to me seems too intimate of a conversation and I can already hear the whispers behind our backs. "I'm sorry, I'm a bit busy right now. Gotta go, see you later!" I answer back and literally make a dash for it. Please don't chase after me, please have the good sense of not making a scene right here and now. Please! I beg in my head while running away at top speed, that quite frankly I never knew I could do. Not even in PE am I this fast.

I ran through the crowd of students, shimmying left and right, heading home, across the street, through the park as a short cut and finally down a quiet alleyway, where I could finally stop and catch my breath. I leaned my head against the wall, huffing and puffing, slowly steadying my breath to a normal rhythm, when two large hands grab my shoulders and spin me around. "You have some major explaining to do!"

Liam stands before me out of breath also, having clearly ran after me. I try to shake him off, while looking around making sure we are alone. I must look like an idiot, but he has no idea what kind of day I'm having. " What the fuck Nick! Are you trying to fuck with my head? I thought... I thought we were all good now!" The hurt he's displaying has me in knots. It wasn't my intention to make him feel this way, but I'm confused, overwhelmed and I've had a really shit day.

"We are good. I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to diss you or anything, it's just that..." How do I tell him that seeing him on the phone last night messed with my own head? And all the gossip today, that just took me by surprise and I couldn't handle it? What will he say? What will he think? And I definitely can't tell him about that phone-call. "Just what?" He shouts loosing his patience. "It's nothing! I really should go home, we'll talk later okay?"  I smile awkwardly back at him. I can't tell him, I'm too ashamed, and too worried that he may react badly right now to me being so nonsensical. I need time to think.

"What the hell is this? Are you playing me right now?"What? No!

"No of course not! Why would you automatically think that?" I shout outraged. I know I'm being difficult, but I have no idea how to express myself to him without causing a fight. I just need time to think of the right way to approach this.

"Oh I don't know? Perhaps it's because you've been avoiding me all day and you don't act like my girlfriend! I spent all night ditching all my hook-ups for you! Spoke to your brothers and Derrick gave me this nice shiner, which I accepted without retaliation, for you! And now my so-called girlfriend can't be bothered to be seen with me! What the fuck am I supposed to think then?"  He shouts, letting go of me, pacing up down the alleyway, and then punching the wall, trying to calm himself down with great difficulty.

"Don't do that! Don't hurt yourself like that! I'm sorry okay? Last night when I watched you leave, I saw you on the phone and I became insecure and then today, everyone was gossiping about you having a girlfriend. It all took me by surprise and I didn't know what to do or how to handle it. I didn't know you did all of those things for me. Can you please stop pacing around again and face me? I'm trying to apologise here!" I shout, finally getting him to stop. Instead of looking at me, he chose to just stare at the ground, his chest rising and falling heavily with anger. He then slowly raises his head and looks straight into my eyes. "I was dumping the girl that called while I was with you. I wasn't going to answer her, while we were together and I certainly didn't want her or any other girl calling me ever again! I've got you now and I don't want it to be ruined by stupid phone calls like that! I didn't tell you any of this because I didn't want to ruin our day. We had just got back together for fuck sakes and I didn't want to mess up again, which by the looks of it, I did anyway." He's been really trying here and I let him down by not trusting him, it's no surprise that he would be this upset. Because of my own insecurities, I failed to trust him and hurt him yet again. I'm really dumb, super dumb. "You didn't fuck up, not this time. I did! Will you forgive me?" I practically beg. He nods, but the way he does it is like a reluctant child and it's so damn adorable.

I gently place my hand on his cheek, the tip of my thumb softly circling around his bruised eye. I still can't believe he let my brother hit him like that and all for my sake. "My brother shouldn't have hit you, you didn't deserve that." I say while gently kissing his eye. "I'm so sorry, this time I'm the one that royally messed up and I promise I'll make it up to you some how. Maybe I will give you a nice surprise tomorrow, to cheer you up, something that will make my brother regret ever laying his hands on you."A small smile gradually gets bigger clearly realising my intentions.

"Now what is that little brain of yours concocting?"  He says, looking at me amused. "Don't you worry that cute little head of yours. I won't disappoint you." I say with an evil grin. "Yeah I bet. Come on, let's go back to yours, there's something I want more than what you have in mind." I stare at him in with what probably would seem surprise or even shock. Does he mean he wants to do stuff with me? Kinky stuff?

"You've gone bright red. What were you imagining pervert?" God I feel so stupid, this is so embarrassing. "I wasn't imagining anything!" I snap back trying to save face but failing miserably. He's never going to let me live this one down, will he?

Hi everyone. I know I've kept you all waiting for a long time. Writers block and what have you. I've been reading, watching movies and soaps, trying to get inspiration. I hope I've done ok with this chapter and hopefully will release the next one soon
Love you all and thanks for your patience

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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