Chapter 3

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It's been about a week since the whole Tabasco sauce incident and he's not been round my house. My brothers were fuming and said that I was not acting like my usual self and that they wanted an explanation. Obviously I gave them none if anything I questioned why they would hang out with such a looser. That didn't go down well and they started rambling on about how they are best friends and how he always has their back an vice versa and other stupid shit boys talk about.

They also warned me that he may retaliate and that I needed to be carful as they won't always be around to save my sorry ass. That's funny to me because when the guy grabbed me by the neck and slammed me against the wall, they did nothing. I have to wonder though why my brothers just stood there and watched. Where they afraid of him? or is it something else. Usually if anyone had done something like that to me, they would have beaten the crap out of them. I push the thought to the back of my mind not wanting to think of it any further.

School was the same as usual, same lessons, same faces and the same drama of high school life. At lunch break I'm sitting in the courtyard eating my sandwich with my usual friends, when three  girls approach me.

"Are you Nichole Williams?" One of them asks. I look up and see a tall slim build girl with too much make up and bleach blonde hair. The other two didn't look that different either, it was like I was staring at triplets.

"Yes that's me." My friends look at the girls then back at me with worried looks. Do they know theses girls?

"Can we talk to you in private." The same girl asks. My friend Sydney, nudges me then shakes her head  as if to say no and that's when it clicks. That little shit sent these girls to do his bidding. Ok I'll bite.

"Sure, no problem." I say to the girls, then I look at Sydney's worried face and say:

"It's cool don't worry. Can you look after my stuff while I'm gone?" She nods and I leave with the Chavvy looking girls. They are so cliche, they took me to the back of the school building where no one goes and they push me against the wall. I look up at them and just smile an all knowing smile and that's because I know what's coming.

"Let me guess, Liam sent you as a warning to me!" The girls all look at me in surprise and start cackling like stupid chickens.

"You really pissed him off, you shouldn't of done that, everyone knows not to piss him off." She stands in front of me with her arms crossed in front of her chest trying to look smug.

"Look, I don't have all day and I don't care that he's pissed off. Do what you have to do!" I schoff at her looking completely disinterested and bored at this whole situation. The girl looses her rag, and grabs my hair like I knew she would. Such a predictable move.

I grab her arm with both hands and twist my body so that my back is against her chest, then I flip her over my shoulder slamming her on the ground and all you can hear is her groaning in pain. I stare at her friends who look shocked and surprised and a little scared too by my strength, agility and quick reflexes.

"Who's next?" I ask and I give them my best death stare. They both hold their hand up in defeat and run away leaving their friend behind.

"Some friends you've got!" I hold out my hand to help her up. She looks at me with a pained face and in disbelief.

"Look, I've got nothing against you so don't look so worried. I just think you could do so much better than this. Stop being some idiots errand girl." I say calmly and then continue.

"Do I need to take you to the infirmary?" I ask the girl who is still staring at me with a puzzled look.

"No, I'm fine. I don't get you? Why are you being nice to me now after what I tried to do?" She doesn't get me and I can't say I blame her, I don't get me sometimes. I shrug my shoulders and say:

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