Fey Love (Suspense, Romance)

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Night. Wednesday. February the 30th.

Of course not, I haven't gone mad yet.

Today is March the 2nd, but I want February to go on forever. February was good to me, it gave me the Woman in the Pub Window. I saw her there six times, always sitting in the same spot. She wears a fancy hat with feathers, my black pearl in the dumpster.

Today, I've learned her name.

She is Anna, the new wife of the preacher.

Knowing his charitable nature, I tossed myself between Anna and her carriage when she was leaving the pub. "Madam, I was a prince in the drowned fae land. I haven't eaten in five days. Alms, madam, for pity's sake."

She stepped around me with a grimace of disgust under the swaying ostrich feathers, the gloved hands clasped. Her opinion on the faeries was stamped on her features.

Why would a woman like that marry a preacher?

Oh, the fantasies I had about Anna in February!

First, I dreamed that Anna came to the Slums because of a secret fae kink.

That I'd seduce her with the tale of former grandeur and current misfortune. Humans move from pity to love so often, they love tortured souls.

But it would be sweeter to disguise myself as one of them.

I'd lure her away from her husband with secret words, tease her with promises night after night. Finally, when she is pliant, I'd fulfill her every desire.

She'd curse fae while we are together... she must do it all the time, since she hates us so. Why stop during the hour of passion?

Afterwards, I'd tell her, "I am a fae, my sweet, and I am your lover."

That would be the last and the most perfect climax of the night.

I am in love, furious, frustrated, ashamed, and determined.

Anna is the locked chest, but I have many lock-picks. Let us see which one fits. I need her, after the humans robbed me of everything but my body.

"Madam, I haven't eaten in five days. Alms, madam, I beg you."

And she invites me in.

Today is February the 31st, and may I wake mad tomorrow. 

words: 363

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