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"Kelly's pregnant!" Samuel told Nelson excitedly. "Wow really?" He asked them. Samuel nodded, almost as excited as his wife dancing beside him. "I'm so excited to be a father!" "That's so crazy man!!" Nelson congratulated him. "Guess Imma be like an uncle or something." Samuel chuckled. "I believe so. Doctors say she has 5 months left." After a while more of casual conversation, Samuel had an odd expression come over him. "Soooo.." he started. "Are you gonna? You know, move in with her?" Nelson rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "It's just, you know. You've been here for so long. It's like you know, this is your house too." Nelson nodded, a smile crossing his face. This place really has become home for me, hasn't it? He thought fondly. Despite himself, he could only imagine what live would be like living with Anora, waking up and falling asleep beside her. For the very first time he was in love. The thought of getting to spend that much time together was heaven to him. "I know that look he has on his face," Kelly said, smiling wryly and interrupting his thoughts. "That's the look you had when we went on our honeymoon." "I guess that's my answer," Samuel said. "I'll still come visit," Nelson told him. "Yeah I hope you don't forget about us when you get out there," Kelly said jokingly.
       Nelson decided to move out after a few days longer at Samuel's house. The place he had began to call home. Anora was ecstatic. At the end of the week, Nelson and Samuel had packed all of his things in the back of his Mustang Cobra, and he told him, "Good luck with your baby and stuff man." Samuel nodded. "Thanks man. Been fun having you here. Kind of a shame you gotta leave." "Yeah man it's crazy," Nelson agreed. "Also, I appreciate what you did with me and Anora, you know, for being honest." Samuel chuckled. "I can't believe you even thought I would do that. I thought you knew me better than that." They chuckled a bit before he finally decided to say his goodbyes and head off. He would miss that place.
        He did eventually get to Anora's house that evening. She greeted him with an extremely warm hug and a kiss. "Hey baby!" She greeted him excitedly before helping him get his stuff all situated. They decided to just sort of combine their things all into Anora's room, so they would share her room. "I'm really happy you decided to move in," she told him. "It's really lonely... especially since I just had to clear out Charles' room... it feels so empty. At least we still have his turtle." Nelson nodded. His dingaling lives on. He smirked at his thought. Aloud, he merely said, "I'm sorry. Well at least I'm here to keep you company." Anora nodded. "Yeah... and maybe eventually can eventually have another person in that room." She looked shyly at him for a moment. "Who?" He asked her. She smiled suggestively at him. "Maybe a smaller version of you," she said slowly. Damn kids? He thought. He had never thought about kids for himself. He was definitely interested in it with Anora though. Plus he wanted to see what they would look like. "Well I hope he or she gets your beautiful eyes." He told her lovingly with a kiss on her forehead. She smiled dreamily at him. "I want to spend time with you today. Anything you want to do?" She asked him. He shrugged. "Good question." "Actually," She said, "I was thinking about rewatching the Lord of the Rings... I don't know how you feel about that series." "You know what I think I could actually go for some LOTR right now," he told her thoughtfully. In all honesty, however, it didn't really matter what they did, he just wanted to spend time with her. They ended up watching the entire series that evening, and having a wonderful time. He enjoyed her company, and he loved the sound of her voice.
        Ever since then, normally, most Friday's they would find a new movie to watch together. Their birthdays came up, her's only being four days before his, and they celebrated their 21rst birthdays by getting hammered together and playing games and having LOTS of drunk sex. He never knew he could enjoy sex so much. It was better than what he'd always heard. No wonder Samuel and his wife were so.. active. He even took time to help Estavon and Javen on what they called their "AssQuest". He had just gotten lucky with Anora he felt, but they insisted he teach them his 'ways'. He decided to just say random stuff that sounded like it would work. It seemed to turn out alright. They even promoted him from ass-grabber to "AssMaster Nelson". He chuckled at that name, although now, he really was getting ass. Anora and Nelson often played video games not only alone, but online with/against Samuel and Paul. He was enjoying all of this peace. He would always look back fondly on these times.
       Before they knew it, they had been together for close to a year, and five months had passed. Nelson had decided to visit Samuel and Kelly. He had recently decided on something rather huge and he needed to talk to them. Eventually they were all up in the living room. "What's up man?" Samuel asked him. "I think I've made a decision. Look at this." He pulled out the ring he had decided to buy with all the money he had saved up. It was a gold-diamond ring with a ruby shaped like rose on top. It was mostly gold, but it also had little diamonds going around the band. "OOOOOOH ITS PRETTY!" Kelly cooed. "How much was that man!?" Samuel exclaimed, clearly surprised. "Well," Nelson said, a bit embarrassingly, "I couldn't bought the newest Mustang with less money.. I just really wanted to get something as pretty as she is." "I totally ship you two!" Kelly said, rubbing her belly. "I don't know how to do it though..." he said shyly. "It's just sort of a, on a whim type thing," Samuel replied. "You really love her, don't you?" Nelson nodded, blushing softly. "She's amazing." They took some time to talk and somewhat strategize how he could propose to her. In the end, they finally decided it be best he just go on a whim. That he would know when the time was right. At least, he surely hoped so. He figured now would be a good time since Cherry and the aliens seemed to have either quit or gone on to some other planet or something.
       He found the next few weeks to be extremely peaceful. More than usual. Everything seemed to be going perfectly. "The Witcher 4 just released!!" Anora exclaimed excitedly to him. "The one with custom Witchers!!" "Fucking yes!!" He yelled. The Witcher was his favorite series. He just finished the third one as well, considering he was in a coma when it first came out. What excellent timing, he thought. Just as the download finished, he and Anora waiting eagerly in front of the Xbox, they got a call from Samuel. Kelly was about to give birth. "Babies!!" Anora cooed. "We gotta go see the babies!!" Nelson chuckled. "Let's go see them then." He decided to bring the ring with him, just in case.
          When they got there, Samuel and Kelly were in the room in the middle of delivering. Nelson and Anora had to wait outside until they finished. Kelly's screams were loud enough to hear down the hall. Boy I'm glad I don't have to give birth. That shit sounds painful, he thought as they sat outside. Anora sat all smiley beside him. "I love babies," she said. "They're so little and cute and they're babies!!!" Nelson nodded with a smirk. "That, they are," he said. After a while longer of screaming, eventually it died down. Soon following, they were allowed to come in. Anora practically dragged him in there she was so excited, holding his hand. Kelly had two little identical babies in either arms. Samuel was talking to them. He couldn't believe how small they were. It blew his mind. Damn they're small as fuck, he thought as he saw them. Anora stared wide-eyed at the newborns. "They're... they're so adorable..." Anora muttered. "I want one."
      It was then, as she stood there, almost teary eyed beside him, that he got an idea.
       "They are, aren't they?" He replied, smiling genuinely at her. "They're almost as adorable as you are everyday." Anora giggled that cute giggle she had that made him feel butterflies in his belly. "Oh stop it," she said, blushing. "You know," Nelson continued, speaking in a voice a bit deeper than normal, "I love getting to admire your beauty everyday, your cute voice, and even cuter giggle you do.." Anora began to blush even more. She smiled shyly at him. "I love just being with you in general. You make me so happy. Whoever said there's no such thing as perfection obviously never saw you. I can't even believe I got this lucky." Anora eyed him curiously. "Nelson..." he had the ring in the palm of his hand, in the box. He scratched his head suddenly, so she would look in that direction while he put his hand in her pocket, as to pretend the ring had been in her pocket all along. She eyed him as he pulled the small box out of her pocket. Her emerald green eyes widened as they landed on it. She gasped. "Soooo, you know," he continued, "I wouldn't mind enjoying the company of the woman I love for the rest of my life. If you'd have me, that is." He got down on one knee, and showed her the ring. She was speechless. Samuel and Kelly just smiled and watched.
      Anora stood there, flustered, half smiling. She stared at the ring with dreamy eyes. She then glanced up at him. Her eyes seemed to sparkle, or perhaps it was the tears in her eyes. She hugged him tightly and told him, "Yes.... I love you Nelson.." They hugged and kissed for a moment before she eagerly put the ring on. He thought it was quite gorgeous on her. "Today has been a good day," she said, grinning happily. He noticed Samuel had a strange expression on his face. He smirked as he realized what it was. He asked Samuel, "Are you crying man?" Samuel chuckled, playing with his son and daughter for the first time. "What? No man," he said with a smile. "I'm just, I have something in my eye." "Well it looks like we have some plans to make," Anora told him, rubbing her cheeks. "My cheeks are sore from smiling and laughing so much today," she told him.
       After playing with the babies, they eventually had to leave to go home. They talked excitedly about marriage and picking a date, who all they would invite. At the end of the night, they lay together, very happy at the end of a very good day. He would remember these days as the best days of his life. He was worried because he hadn't heard anything at all about aliens or Cherry. He secretly hoped it was over. Just as he was about to fall asleep, Anora tapped him softly, speaking to him and the feminine voice he found so sexy. "Hey baby," she said, running her hands softly across his face. "You have a wonderful face too," she told him, "So.. I gotta ask a question." "Mmhmm?" "Is this seat taken?" He almost didn't realize what she had meant before her pants dropped on the floor and climbed on top of him.

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