16- I Quit

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You rolled off Jin and out of bed, pulling him up with you
"I'm scared to go to school Jinnie" He pulled you into a reassuring hug "We'll be ok" 'I hope' He thought as the hug broke
"Come on, you have one year and three months left now, just bare these three months and then we'll have a break and no one will even talk about it" He kissed your forehead
"Ok Y/n, we have a surprise for yooooou" Hobi sang moving closer to you
"Ok" You giggled letting him pull you to the rest of them with Jin following
"Ok so-" Jimin was cut off by Tae "We're going to school with you until school ends for the year"
You mouth hung open
"Wh-What, why?" You stumbled on your words
"To take care of you, make sure no one gives you unnecessary shit" Yoongi said standing up
"Aww, thank you so much guys, what about work though?" You asked
"We explained personal things are going on and we're gonna need time off and our boss agreed as long as we complete the work needed by the deadlines during that time so we did and we told your headteacher but he didn't really give a shit what we do" Namjoon explained
"AHHHH, LETS GOOOOO" You jumped up and down, now excited for school
"Earlier you were scared to go to school now you're happy" Jin laughed throwing his arm over you and leading you to the cars
When you all pulled up, it seemed as the whole school gathered outside to see the commotion, six new cars and Jin's familiar car pulling up into the parking bays all next to each other, it was just like a movie when you all got out of the cars at the exact same times. You all gathered by the main entrance and walked in together, all the people inside turned their heads to you guys and their conversations stopped, every now and then you could here slight whispers
"Who are they?"
"Weren't they the ones at that assembly?"
"Aren't they Mr Kim's friends?"
"What are they doing here?"
You were bothered by it and thinking what people must be saying once you passed them, Jin grabbed your hand reassuringly
"I wish I could stay with you the whole day but I'll have to leave you with them, I know they're here for you but just remember this is new to them" He slightly laughed and kissed your head before you left
"Soooo Y/n, having fun so far?" Jungkook tried breaking the silence
"Sure, are you guys?" You faced them all
"Meh" They replied
"Well this is where we're at for lesson two, just gimme a minute, I need the toilet" You turned to leave just to have Namjoon grab ahold of your wrist "Are you ok going alone? One of us can wait outside for you"
"No it's fine thanks, I don't want any more attention on us" You smiled to them and went
"Ugh, what a slut, I bet she seduced him for higher grades and a place to stay"
"I bet he let her just so he could get a young girl to brag about to all his pedo friends constantly following her around" The girls laughed
You opened the stall door with tear-stained cheeks and washed your hands "Ok so what if you have stuff to say about me but leave Jin and the rest of the guys alone, you don't know anything about us" You dried your hands,
As you were about to walk out you were pulled back by your hair onto the dirty floor
"You whore, who do you think you are to talk to us" One of them shouted still grabbing your hair as the other one slapped you
They continued shouting at you while dragging you around like a rag doll,
"This will teach you, skank" She ripped your blouse-shirt open, exposing your chest and rib cage area, thank god you always wear a bra
With all the noises going on in the bathroom, someone heard it when they went passed and ran to the nearest classroom
*knock knock* "Sorry to interrupt Mr Kim but I think something bad is happening in the girls bathroom"
Jin ran out of his class shouting thinking it was you
All the boys came running out and so did all the classes down that hallway to see why Jin was shouting, Jin opened the toilet door, what he saw broke his heart, you sat on the floor crying with your blouse-shirt popped open and two female students pulling your hair and smacking you while calling you names and insulting your relationship
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" Jin pushed them backwards and pulled their hair while BTS ran over to you "Do you like this? Is it fun to get dragged around by your hair?" He shouted at them pulling them to the hallway in front of everyone by their hair still
They started crying
"Why are you crying? All I did was pull your hair, you called Y/n names, said horrible things to her, hit her, ripped her shirt open, and dragged her around by her hair, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" He got angry, he soon calmed down when you ran out of the bathroom to him,
"Jin, calm down, look at me, I'm ok now, you've taught them a lesson" He slowly moved his eyes away from them and looked at you
"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you sooner" A single tear dripped down his face
"But you came and that's all that matters" You wiped his tears while he wiped yours
"Aish, we're crying in public, only you could make me do that" You laughed with him at his comment
"I think it will be safer if you take online classes, it's exactly the same but you'll be at home, or just somewhere these bitches aren't" He eyed everyone "I'll help you"
"Ok" You laughed
"Y/N" You turned to see who called you
"Mi-Rae" You faced her "What do you want?"
"Are you ok?" She panicked
"You horrible person, I know you came into the toilets, I saw you recording it on your phone and leave laughing" Tears streamed down your face again
"Y-Y/n I can explain-" You cut her off "Explain what, how I always trusted you, how you were the only person in my life, how-" She cut you off now "I did this because Ji-Ah asked me to, I didn't want to at first but then I thought why not help get revenge on you? I mean we were always together and always there for each other when we needed it, but as soon as they *BTS* came into your life, it's like I was even here anymore, like I wasn't needed" She started to cry
"You lying bitch, for the last year I've seen you do things to her, I didn't think that time in P.E was a mistake but Y/n was so convinced it was so I just let it slide, you've been doing things the whole year" Jin pulled you away from her as he spoke
She tried to speak but nothing came out of her dirty little mouth
"I hope I never see you again" You turned and left with the rest of BTS
"I quit" Jin shouted at the headteacher standing near Mi-Rae

Her BTS Kim Seokjin FFWhere stories live. Discover now