9- His Helper

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Because of the events from yesterday, Jin decided that it'd be best for you two to stay off for a day to recuperate, which you gladly accepted. The next morning you and Jin woke up to an alarm,
"Oh shit, I forgot to switch it off last night" He groaned
He hit the off button and pulled you up to him again,
"What do you wanna do today?" He whispered in you ear sending shivers down your spine
"I don't mind, whatever you what to do" You looked at him then laid your head on his chest again
"Let's stay like this for a little while longer" He hugged you
"Ugh, why must I get the washing"
"Because you're the youngest Kook" Namjoon replied
"Not anymore, Y/n is 5 years younger than me" Jungkook huffed
"Well is she here? No, now please get the washing from Hyung's room so we can start the cycle" Namjoon sighed
"Uggh fine..... YAH, Y/n is here, haha that means she can do the washing" Jungkook celebrated while the members walked over to Jin's room to see you asleep on him
"JIN HYUNG" Hobi shouted waking you both up
"We're putting the washing on then heading out, you need anything?" Yoongi spoke
"Don't think so, Y/n?" You nodded no
"Ok well don't wait up, we'll be home late, we planned a day full of stuff, you guys were supposed to be at school so we can't get you in anywhere we're going" Tae pouted cutely
"It's fine, we're just gonna chill and don't eat too much, we'll make food" You replied sitting up smiling at them
"Bye" Everyone shouted at the same time while waving, not even phased by the fact you're constantly all over Jin anymore
"I suppose we should get out of bed now" Jin laughed lightly while you nodded still half asleep
You both rolled out of bed while you said
"Even though you bought me clothes, I still wanna wear your t-shirts" You laughed
"Here" Jin passed you one of his purple t-shirts
"Yay, thank you" You jumped up and down and hugged him
"I love your clothes, they're so soft and comfy, they remind me of you" You laughed
"You see me all day everyday, what are you on about" He laughed at you
Jin was getting dressed while you sorted your hair, after when Jin went to the bathroom to do his skin routine, you started getting dressed, you managed to get your clean underwear and tights on before hearing Jin groan in the bathroom,
"You ok? I heard a noise" You knocked
"Yeah I'm fine" He replied
"I'm coming in" You opened the door worried
You looked Jin up and down to see him trying to shave with his left hand and he had cut himself
"Ugh, why didn't you call for help, you've scratched your handsome face" You giggled to him
"I know" He fake cried
You tried jumping onto the counter where the sink was, but failed, Jin just laughed at you then boosted you up
You wiped his face clean and re-applied the shaving cream and ran the tap, you rinsed his razor and started shaving his face, carefully going around his fresh cuts. Without realizing, Jin was standing between your legs and you were 3 inches away from his face
"Aaaaand done" You wiped his face
"Beautiful" You skimmed your hand across his cheek while blushing
Within a second your lips were on his, the kiss started off slow and soft but gradually got more and more intense, as you were about to pull away for a breath, his tongue slipped into your mouth, you weren't sure how to react as you've never been in this situation before, Jin could tell and broke the kiss,
"Just do what feels right" He leaned in again
This time the kiss was much longer and stronger as you were grasping how to kiss back properly
"I can't believe we're kissing, I'm 16 years old and you're having to teach me how to do it correctly, this isn't right" You cried embarrassed
"Maybe if I knew what I was doing this wouldn't seem as bad but it is" You cried more realizing you'd never actually be together
He hugged you and spoke,
"I wouldn't want to be with you if you weren't you, and don't ever say this isn't right, it may not be to other people but we're happy so screw them" He ended it with a short and sweet kiss
"Thank you for always being here and comforting me, even when it's over small silly things like now"
"It's never small silly things if it hurts you, your feelings matter so much, I want you to promise you'll always talk to me no matter what's wrong ok" He looked you in the eye while you nodded smiling
"Ok let's go downstairs" Jin pulled you along
"Wait" You stopped "I just realized I still don't have a t-shirt on" You covered your chest laughing
"I didn't even notice" Jin laughed too
You quickly ran into his room and grabbed the t-shirt and rushed out, you weren't expecting him to stand right by the door so when you ran out, you went straight into his chest and dropped the t-shirt on the ground as you fell, landing on top of Jin
"I could get used to this view" You saw him looking at your half-exposed chest
"Shut up" You laugh wriggling about
You looked up into his eyes, seeing that he was already admiring you, you stared back at him, after realising the situation you were in, you panicked and quickly went to stand,
"Ahh shit" You looked down to see Jin groaning in pain
"What's wrong?" You dropped between his legs holding what he was holding
"You kneed me" He gasped, you moved your hands away after seeing where they were,
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry" You looked at him in worry, you went to grab his hands, but grabbed something else because you weren't looking
"Umh" Jin made a noise, that wasn't pain this time
"Ahhh, I'm sorry, I really need to watch what I do" You jerked your hand back
He wrapped his hands around your small wrists and you landed on top of him
"I mean, you don't always have to watch what you're doing" He whispered in your ear, it made you wriggle and giggle (unintended rhyme)
"What are you doing?" He suddenly went serious
"What? Moving?" You moved about on top of him
"Please stop" He said so quietly you barely heard
"Why" You sat up on him to put the t-shirt on
"That's not much better" He breathed heavily
You laid back down on him
"You said I must talk to you no matter how small the issue and the same applies to you" You move once more
"Ohhh trust me, this issue isn't small" He groaned, you suddenly felt something poking around your stomach area
"What's that" You almost went to touch it before Jin grabbed your hand
"What are you doing? There's something poking me on you" You innocently stated
"I'm poking you" Jin sighed embarrassed
"WHAT, OH MY GOD" You hugged him while giggling
"This has never happened to me before, ahhhh" You scream happily

Her BTS Kim Seokjin FFUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum