2- P.E?

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Since yesterday, you have been avoiding Mr Kim as much as possible, when you walked passed him down the hall way, he'd smile at you but you'd just carry on walking, it felt weird knowing that he knows you and Mi-Rae talk about him
"Yah, Y/n, you can't avoid him forever, he's your teacher and you have an after school session with him today" Mi-Rae reminded you
"Aish, let's just go to lesson 3, we have P.E" You sighed walking to your lockers
——8 minutes later——
"Hurry up Y/n, you know how Mrs Hwang gets when people take too long in the changing rooms" Mi-Rae rushes you
"Oh, haven't you heard, Mrs Hwang finally gave birth last night, whichever teacher we have now will be our P.E teacher for the rest of the year until she returns" One of the girls in your class said before she left
"Ok, thank you" You said pulling your hair into a ponytail as you and Mi-Rae followed everyone else
—-Out on the field for P.E—
"Hello, I'm Mr Kim, I'll be your P.E teacher this year as Mrs Hwang gave birth last night" Mr Kim (Jin) looked around and smiled when your eyes met
"We will be doing ball games, everyone get into pairs, if you can't pick, I will" He said passing balls out as the girls fangirled over him
—-20 minutes into the lesson—
"AAAGHHH" You screamed
Everyone carried on, because you were irrelevant to the popular people on your class, Mr Kim came running over to see what had happened
"What's wrong? Are you ok Y/n?" He asked panicky crouching down to face you
"Yeah, stupid Mi-Rae can't aim properly and threw the ball right in my face" You giggled throwing the ball at Mi-Rae
"Yah, I said I'm sorry" She laughed
"When?" You pouted
She just carried on laughing
"Anyway, Sir, are we just throwing and catching the whole lesson?" You faced Mr Kim, well his chest, you then looked up
"Ummm, I'm not sure, this is my first time acting in as a P.E teacher, I've only ever been a cooking, music, drama and Korean teacher" He chuckled nervously
"Oh well, as long as you're supervising and making us do something semi-active, you're the perfect P.E teacher" You smiled at him as he smiled back
"Sorry to ruin the moment but, we need to go back inside to get dressed" Mi-Rae stood between you and Mr Kim
"Oh umm, of course, EVERYONE, GET DRESSED" He stood up straight, as he was crouching down to your height the whole time while talking to you as he always does, shouted down to the girls at the end
Everyone ran inside to get dressed for next lesson
You and Mi-Rae headed to the classroom
"Hey, where do you think you're running Miss L/N? Get over here now!" Mr Lee shouted
"I'm sorry for running Mr Lee, I didn't want to be late for Maths as I just had P.E and I had to go to the toilet" You bowed
"That's not acceptable, you should get dressed faster and walk at a steady pace to next lesson and hold it, you should go to the toilet durning your breaks-" He started
"I'm really sorry Mr Lee, I promise this won't happen again-" He cut you off
"You're right, it won't, you're having a lunch time detention today" He slapped a detention slip in your hand and walked off
"Ugh, stupid Mi-Rae for running off without me" You pouted and turned around to head to maths

I still have no idea what I'm doing, I'm trying to make them longer but I'm not very creative :(

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