Chapter 11

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They have been downstairs for an hour now, his dad has recently came home, and you don't know what they're doing, all you know is you're bored, so you stand up slowly and quietly, and then search the shelves around you.

On the bottom shelf to the left there's a messed up deck of cards and some magnets, you think about taking out the cards but you don't remember any card games, and you don't know what you could do with the magnets so you move on. You look up a bit to the top shelf on the left side which is full of folded t- shirts that you can tell are Kash's, but these are no use to you either. 

Walking over a bit to the right side, you look at the bottom shelf, its full of pictures of Kash and his family, there is also a box that says jewelry on it which your guessing is his moms, last on this shelf there is a little figurine of some character you don't know. Once again you find nothing to entertain you so you look up at the top shelf on the right side. This shelf is mostly empty just like the others, except it has the game candy land on it which makes you smile remembering playing the game with them earlier that day. 

So over all you found nothing to entertain you and you're still bored and lonely, sitting back down you rest your head up against the wall.

10 minutes later 

Downstairs Kash has just finished cooking super with his mother, Hunter, and Mckenna ( Which took forever)and then ate with them and his father. Now Kash is saying bye to Hunter and Mckenna who have to go home.

Locking the door and looking up at the clock on the wall Kash realizes that you've been upstairs for around an hour and 10 minutes.

"Mom" Kash says to his mother who is now folding laundry on the couch.

"Yes sweetie" She reply's.

Kash says urgently "Um, I have homework, from missing school" with a smile.

His mother looks at him and reply's "Ok-"

Kash cuts her off "Thanks" and runs up the stairs.

His mother watches him run up the stairs and then goes back to folding laundry.

When Kash reaches the top of the stairs you hear him run to you and open the door "You ok?" he asks staring at you.

You reply nicely "Ya, what... took so long?"

"I'm sorry, I had to help with supper, then eat, and wait for everyone else to finish-"

You cut him off "It's ok.. just curious" and then smile at him, he smiles back as you get up off the ground.

"Now, lets make your new bed" He says walking into his room and adding "My parents shouldn't find you there, we basically never open it." He grabs 3 blankets out of his closet and then the pillow off of the sofa.

Walking over to the closet he sets the items down on the ground in front of the closet "Do you have a certain way you want me to set this up?" He asks, you nod your head no and smile.

He smiles back and begins. First he lays down a big, soft, blue blanket. Then he sets the pillow on it. Next he lays down a plain green blanket, and a fuzzy rainbow one on top of it.

Pretty is the only word you can think of.

"You can test it out" Kash says standing up.

You smile and get into the little bed Kash has made you. "Its very comfortable." You tell Kash who smiles at you.

"I hope you won't have to be a secret for to long." He tells you, and you couldn't agree more.

You yawn tiredly, Kash notices and tells you "Sence you're in bed already, why don't you get some sleep." You look up at him smiling and nod your head letting him know you agree.

"Ok... goodnight Y/N" He says closing the closet door slowly, leaving you alone with your thoughts until you're able to sleep.

The next morning you wake up and remember that it's a Saturday, which means Kash's parents are at work so you won't have to hide. You open the closet door and walk into Kash's room to find that he's already awake and messing around on his phone.

Looking up from his phone and setting it down on his bed he asks you "How did you sleep?"

You had been incredibly comfortable but you didn't have very pleasant dreams so you just answer "It was fine... bad dreams."

"You're ok, you're safe now." Kash reply's smiling at you, but you know you're not actually safe, you can't go out in public, and you can't even be seen by his mom, in fact you're probably just putting everyone in danger.

"Y/n?" Kash asks snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Ya." You say staring at him sadly.

"If you don't mind... what was your dream about?" He asks.

You reply slowly "I don't mind..."

"Are you sure" he asks.

You nod your head and start "In my dream... the bad people came... and took you, Mckenna, and Hunter. They also took me back to" You shudder and continue "... and then they killed all of you." Your eyes tear up as Kash walks over to you and hugs you. 

"I'm alive, and so are Hunter and Mckenna" Kash says reassuringly and then adds "We're safe" but little does he know what the future holds...


A New Meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن