Chapter 12

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2 weeks later

Kash has been going to school again now, leaving you in his home alone all day, but you're a little used to it by now, plus its a lot better then Sundays when you have to just sit in the closet all day only seeing Kash when he comes upstairs to sneak you food.

Currently it's a Monday and Kash is leaving to go to school with Hunter, Mckenna, and Henry.

"Bye!" You scream out an open window in the living room as Kash walks off to school. You wish you could go to school with him, but you can't, and you're starting to learn to accept that.

Closing the window you walk to the kitchen and grab an apple which you sit down on the couch with and turn the TV on. Switching channel after channel you finally find your favorite show f/s and begin to eat.

When your done with your apple you continue to watch f/s until your interrupted by a loud banging at the door. You quickly shut off the TV and run up the stairs to your closet where you slam the closet door and use your mind to see who's at the door.

You close your eyes and see 10, 20, possibly 30 men standing at the door all wearing black masks. Opening your eyes quickly you know these men are the same ones from that place, Kash calls the place UGP short for Under Ground Place.

"I KNOW SHE'S IN THERE!!!" A man screams, his voice sounds familiar, but your not sure which guy he was.

"Y/N!!" They all scream, now there trying to break the door open.

"WE KNOW YOU'RE HERE" They continue banging and screaming.






"Y/N" They scream until you hear the door burst open and you begin to cry.

They search the down stairs first.

The first room they look in is the living room, they flip the sofa and open the curtains, and look in the corners, when they find you're not there they move on to the kitchen. They look in the cabinets, the pantry, under the table, and take another glace.

After that they go into the bathroom, then Kashs parents bedroom, in the laundry room, and in a little closet.

When they don't find you they start heading upstairs. You wish Kash was here he would know what to do, of course you can move things with your mind, but you've never faced something so big and you don't know if you can handle it.


"COME OUT STUPID GIRL" They scream as they walk up the stairs.

Now 5 men or so are heading toward the closet and you know you're going to have to try to use your ability's.

Kicking the door open you're face to face with the 5 men. One immediately screams "She's over here!" and they start scrambling at you.

You stick your hand out and with one twisting motion you push a couple of them back fiercely, the rest run over and bolt at you too. You push one down the stairs with your mind and thrown another to the ground. After that the rest stop in there tracks and one begins "Just come with us we'll protect y-" You throw him up in the air and let him drop to the ground.

Out of no where a guy grabs you from behind and another helps him hold your hands down.

"Let me go!" You scream and spit in one of the guys faces.

As your fighting the two men's strong grips another man in a black mask walks toward you and begins to speak " Y/n, you shouldn't try to run, for we will just continue to find you." He pauses and stares you directly in the eyes.

"NO!" You scream at him.

He laughs and says "Here's whats gonna happen... you are gonna come with us and we WILL take away your powers"

"No" You say sternly

The man continues "and then we will kill everyone who knows you have this special gift."

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!" You scream at the top of your lungs causing everyone to fly back and let you free. Staring at the men you close your eyes causing all of the men in the black masks to fly down the stairs and out the door. The guys, hurt and scared stumble away into a big black van and drive away quickly.

You stare into the distance and make sure they drive away, then you close the door and shutting your eye's one more time, you make everything fly back into there original places.

Opening your eyes you notice that you have scratches up and down your arms from when they held on to you. Although you should wash off your arms, instead you walk over to the couch, sit down, and cry.

"They found me" You think in your head "And there gonna keep coming back"

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