Chapter 6

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2 years later 

Y/N was still missing, the police closed the investigation 3 months ago, and your parents left town and moved to some unknown place. Hunter, Mckenna, and Kash hung out all most everyday now because Mckenna moved schools to be with them and Henry would make fun of them. The kids tried to move on and forget about Y/N, well all the kids except Kash that is.

"I'm coming i'm coming!" Kash screamed from his bedroom (He was late to school again) he had been thinking about how Y/N could still be alive and everyone had just gave up like she didn't ever exist, he thought about this a lot. 

"Kash!!!" His mother screamed.

"Just wait!!!!" Kash shouted. He shoved everything in his backpack, got on his bike, and left for school. 

You run through the forest making your escape from the evil men and there needles, but you have a hard time going through the woods you don't know where to turn or what to do you think you see things and then there not there. You had been forced not to speak unless you were alone for the time you had been trapped by these people so you didn't know what to say or shout. 

"H-h-hunter" Is what came out, for you had remembered he was your best friend. Then you saw someone ride a bike up to the woods and stop, it was a familiar face.

"K-Kash" You screamed in a scared voice. You expected him to ignore you or taunt you but instead he hoped off his bike and ran into the woods.

"Y/N!!!" He screamed with hope.

"Here" You replied hoping you had used the word correctly.

"Y/N" He said running to your side and hugging you, you looked at him strange and said.

"Don't hate?" He just shook his head and stared at you, you were now overly skinny and super pale. 

"Where have you been??" He asked.

"Unde-r  g-gro...und" You replied slowly.

"Under ground?" He asked worried. You nod your head and say

"Wi-th men" Then you ask "Where mom a-a-nd dddad" You say shaking.

"Forget about them right now, lets go to my house and get you a blanket, food, a change of clothes" he says as you follow him to his bike.

He look's at his bike frustrated " forget about my bike lets go " he says. 

You stare at the rode and step on it slowly "Ow" You scream "H-h-hot" you say stepping back onto the grass.

"Here get on my back" Kash says, as you look at him confused he tells you" It will be fine"  

"Don't" You stop and think "Kn-know how"

He pulls out his phone and shows you a picture of a girl on a boys back, there both laughing in the photo... You sadly smile realizing its a photo of Mckenna and Hunter.  

"You got it?" He asks slipping his phone back into the pocket of his jeans.

You nod your head and hop onto his back.

At school Hunter and Mckenna grow worried about Kash, so Mckenna texts him "Hey Kash, why aren't you at school, are you ok" 

"Sent" Mckenna whispers to Hunter and they both impatiently wait for a reply. 

When you get to the house Kash looks back and tells you his parents won't be home for a while. You nod and hop off of his back, looking at the pretty house you close your eyes and smell the flowers around. He smiles at you.

"L-lets go" You say opening your eyes and walking in.

When you get inside Kash's phone goes off scaring you and you jump to his side.

"It's ok" he continues "It's just my phone" You nod and stare at his phone as he look's at the text from Mckenna 

Yes i'm fine he types in and then adds come to my house after school and sends it. 

"Lets go upstairs" He says "That's where my bedroom is" So you follow him up the stairs and go into his room. 

"Messy" You say letting out a little laugh he laughs back looking at you.

"It's gotten so out of control I just can't clean it" He says and smiles, you smile back.

"I'll get you a change of clothes" He says and walks over to his closet where he pulls out some sweatpants and a blue sweater.

"Here try these" he says still smiling he adds "i'll show you to the bathroom where you can change" You follow him and then he shows you a big bathroom where he tells you "i'll be in my bedroom when your done changing just come back ok"

"O-k" You reply and he shuts the door.

3 minutes later

Kash's sitting in his bedroom when he hear's  Y/N suddenly scream.

"Y/N" he yells and runs to the bathroom to see Y/N sitting on the floor head in her hands crying.

"Whats wrong" He asks you concerned.

"N-nothing" You reply still crying.

"You can talk to me" Kash says as he realizes the mirror is shattered.

"What happened" Kash asked putting his arm around you.

It was silent for a moment and then you said "I-I was th-thinking about the- the- men and I" Y/N paused " I screamed so that- thing shattered" 

Kash stared at her then said "You screamed and it shattered"

You nodded your head and said "K-k-kash"

"Ya" Kash asked.

Y/N said "I'm different n-now I can do things... things I sometimes cant c-control"

"Like what" Kash asked.

You looked over at a cup sitting on a counter next to the sink, put out your hand, and the cup lifted in the air.

You dropped your hand and looked at Kash with wide eyes asking sadly "You hate me now"

With his arm still around you Kash replied "No" and he pulled you in hugging you tightly.   

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