Anytime, Any Place -F/N- (Skit)

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F/N sat quietly next to Asuka as the two watched cartoons.

She was extremely bored, and very frustrated, since Y/N was currently not around to satisfy her. She glanced at Asuka, who was nibbling the end of a pocky, then got an idea. She crawled close to the girl, and bit into the other end of the stick. Asuka got flustered, and couldn't act quickly enough to escape from F/N. F/N immediately closed the gap between their lips, nipping and licking at Asuka's.

Asuka wouldn't open her mouth, so F/N reached downward, groping one of Asuka's sensitive breasts. Asuka cried out in pleasure, giving F/N enough time to force her tongue inside of Asuka's mouth. F/N's tongue battles with Asuka's, one trying to stay in, while the other tried to to push it out.

Eventually though, Asuka gave in. F/N slowed her pace, the kiss becoming more sensual and passionate. After about five minutes, F/N pulled away, panting quietly. She lapped up the string of saliva that connected their mouths, and giggled when Asuka looked up at her surprise. "Now... it's about time..." F/N whispered, holding up three fingers. She lowered one as a second passed, and as soon as the last one was down, Y/N walked into the Ninja Room.

"Hey guys, I've got the groceries..." He trailed off as he saw the position his female counterpart and girlfriend were in. F/N was laid across Asuka, and their breasts pressed together through their shirts. He said nothing, but started unbuckling his belt, F/N licking her lips as he approached.

A/N - Lemme know if you want a full lemon for this.

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