Helping Out -Crimson Squad- (Fluff) Part 1

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A/N - This story is going to be expanded into five parts... That's all I have to say, hope you enjoy the chapter.

Y/N crossed his arms, and sighed.

He stood in the entrance of Haruka's "lab", waiting for instruction. Hanzo asked the Crimson Squad what it would take to earn their allegiance, and their answer was ten favors. If these favors could be satisfied, then they promised to act as additional firepower. Of course, they wouldn't join the academy... not yet, at least. Homura didn't seem too keen on the idea, but put the idea to the side for consideration.

Anyways, Haruka walked back to Y/N, and pushed him in front of her. "So, there are these curious spiders that I've never seen before inhabiting certain parts of my laboratory. I would like for you to collect them, so I may study their venom... if they have any." Haruka explained, and Y/N raised a brow. "So you're telling me that I have to collect possibly venomous spiders, putting myself in danger, so you can study the venom, and possibly use it against my team and I?" Y/N asked, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Certainly. You remember our agreement, don't you Dear?" Haruka asked giving him a slightly smug smile. Y/N sighed, and got to work.

-Task 1: Bottling Spiders-

Y/N plucked a spider off of its web by its leg, and shuddered as it writhed around between his fingers. He held no fear of being bitten, since he covered his hands with the gauntlets of his armor. He dropped the spider into the bottle, and screwed the lid back on. "Ugh..." He groaned, climbing down the ladder he was on. Once he was on the ground, Haruka approached him, and took the bottle. "Thank you, Dear. That's all I have for you for now, but I'll ask one more favor of you, as we agreed on." She said, inspecting the spiders in the bottle. "Yeah... Well, I'mma head home, now. Good night." 

-Later That Night- 

Y/N closed the secret entrance, and stretched his back as soon as he was inside the Ninja Room. Letting out a loud grunt as he did so, alerted a certain girl, who rushed to meet him. "Y/N, you're back!" Asuka chirped, wrapping her arms around his stomach. "Hey, Asuka..." Y/N murmured, patting her head. 

Asuka giggled, then looked up at him. "You look tired... what did Haruka make you do?" She asked. "I had to bottle spiders. Speaking of spiders, I gotta take a shower." He replied, scratching at his arm. "I see. Well, good luck tomorrow, and... I'm sorry I can't help you." She said quietly. "Asuka... we both know it's not your fault." Y/N soothed, glancing at her leg. 

Her leg was bandaged heavily, covering an injury that caused this entire situation to arise. It was an extremely long cut, dealt by Homura's nodachi. While the injury was an accident, Homura refused to see Asuka at all recently. Thankfully, it was not deep, and would recover within a month, but Asuka was advised not to move too much, as it could aggravate the injury, or cause the bandages to come loose. 

Asuka still looked disheartened, so Y/N lifted her chin upward, and kissed her gently. She blushed deeply, and closed her eyes. They pulled away after a minute or two, and Y/N asked, "Feel better now?" To which Asuka nodded, her face still beet red. "Good. Now..." He trailed off, then bent down, scooping Asuka into his arms. "Back to bed you go." He finished, walking into her room, and setting her on her bed. She smiled up at him, and waved as he shut the door.

-Task 2: Lab Rat-

Haruka smiled as Y/N entered her "lab", and walked over to meet him. "Hello, Dear. Just come this way, I'm sure you know why you're here." She said, pointing to a rather large chair in the corner of the room. She plunged her hand into her cleavage, and pulled out a test tube full of a green liquid. "Here you are. Take a swig, I assure you it's completely safe." She said, handing the tube to him. 

Popping the cap off, Y/N grimaced at the smell. He glanced at Haruka, who was still smiling, waiting for him to do it. Y/N plugged his nose, then downed the entire tube. Smacking his lips, he shuddered at the strange taste. "Uh, what does this do?" He asked, looking at the tube. "Well, it's supposed to-" Haruka cut herself off to cough when smoke erupted from Y/N. Once it was clear enough to see again, Haruka gasped. On the chair sat a much younger Y/N, his smaller body barely covered by the clothes that he wore just a second ago. "What are you looking at?" He barked, noticing the shocked look on Haruka's face. 

He noticed that his voice didn't sound quite the same, and he knew immediately what had happened. "YOU WITCH!" He bellowed, kicking the chair in fury. "Turn me back, turn me back, turn me back, turn me back!" Haruka could only grin at the childish display in front of her. "It's okay, Dear. I know how to fix it." She soothed, leaving the room. Y/N huffed, covering himself with his clothes. 

A few minutes later, Haruka returned... with company. The rest of the Crimson Squad were in shock as they saw Y/N. "Wha- What happened to you?!" Homura gasped, rushing over to him, and sitting on her knees. "It was Haruka!" Y/N whined, pointing at said girl. Homura sighed as the other members walked over as well. "Heh! You're smaller than me, now!" Mirai gloated. "I'm a kid!" Y/N shouted, lunging at her. He was stopped by Yomi, who picked him up. "There, there, Y/N-San. There's no need for violence, especially not now." She said. Y/N huffed, but let it go. 

"Hm... well, what do we do? We can't send him back like this." Hikage inquired, poking Y/N's cheek. Still restrained by Yomi's arms, he swiped at Hikage's hand, but missed. "I mean, it only changed his body, we could deliver the cure later." Haruka replied.  "Really? I think he's a lot more angry than he usually is." Homura commented, watching him glare at her. "That's probably a side effect. Mirai, can you send a message to the Hanzo Elite?" Haruka requested. Mirai nodded, getting a bow, and an arrow. 


"Okay, this should work, dude. Just calm down." Homura muttered, holding a test tube out to Y/N. He snatched it, then chugged it. Smoke erupted once again, and Y/N emerged from it a few seconds after. He sighed, then turned to Haruka. "Can I go now?" He asked, getting a nod. "Thank god!" He groaned, walking to leave the cave. Haruka, who was waiting by the door, stopped him by the shoulder. "No hard feelings?" She asked. Y/N smiled back, then said, "If we weren't trying for peace right now, I swear I would've clopped you in the cheek by now." He said cheerfully, leaving the cave. "Eh..." Haruka whispered, sweatdropping.

Tasks: 2/10

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