You Fool! (Daidoji)

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A/N - Okay, so now it's time Daidoji's turn to get her chunk of you, dear readers... literally or metaphorically... or both. So good luck! Let's hope you live to read another one-shot.

It was a normal day at Hanzo National Academy, or as normal as it can get in Asakusa. Birds chirped in the sakura trees, and students walked to their classes in large groups.

However, the peace was disturbed by an explosion, and a voice. "Can nobody fulfill my craving?!" In the hidden Ninja Room, grunts flew through the air, shrieking in fear. The Third-Year shinobi student, known as Daidoji, rampaged through the Ninja Room, seeking a fight. More explosions rang out, sending more grunts flying.

Daidoji stood in the Training Room, breathing heavily in anger. "Is there no one here who will fight me?!" Her underclassmen ran from her, in hopes of escaping with little to no injuries. Her eyes blazed with anticipation, aching to find someone. She was about to leave, when she heard the door slide open.

Daidoji turned to the door, before smiling wide. "Y/N... finally, a person worthy of opposing my power..." Y/N smiled under his mask, and put his hand on the handle of his katana. "Come at me... I will show you a dance cloaked in shadow." Y/N said, getting into his stance. Daidoji's eyes burned with joy. "Prepare yourself!" She shouted, pounding her fists together.

They charged at each other, winding back their arms for an attack. Daidoji launched her fist forward, but was blocked by the buttcap of Y/N's katana. She threw a left hook, catching Y/N in the shoulder. He shrugged the hit off, and slashed at Daidoji. She managed to dodge, but her shirt got a little damaged. She somersaulted through the air, bringing her leg down for a mighty kick.

Y/N blocked it, but struggled underneath her strength. She smirked, then used her other foot to kick his blade away, landing some distance away from him. He grabbed her leg, and slammed her to the ground, knocking the air from her lungs. When she got up, she began to hastily duck and block punches. Y/N and Daidoji's fists clashed, before they locked arms, each struggling to overpower the other.

Y/N then used the Judo Waza Technique, digging his foot into her stomach, flipping her over over him, her back hitting the ground. She rebounded by rolling away, and got to safe distance. Her clothes disappeared, and she held a scroll above her head. "Shinobi... Tenshin!" Black pants formed on her legs, and bandages wrapped themselves around her breasts. A torn jacket formed on her shoulders, and her hair became black and wild.

Y/N smirked, and pulled out his own scroll. "Very well, then." He held the scroll to his chest, causing light to erupt from the kanji written on it. "Shinobi Tenshin!" Black iron lined his arms, tied together with tough leather straps. His uniform became a sleeveless white shirt, leaving his arms bare, aside from the armor. Black iron shin guards appeared, with white pants underneath. The scabbard of his katana glowed bright red, and steam rose from it. His katana flew back into it's scabbard, and Y/N pulled it out.

The blade glowed from being extremely hot, and Y/N pointed the tip at Daidoji. "Come!" Daidoji obliged and launched forward, punching him in the gut, sending him back a few yards. "Let's finish this now! My power is surging!" She began spinning, kicking wildly. Y/N managed to dodge most, but a few caught him.

He back flipped away, then put his hand on the scorching blade of his katana. "Strike while the iron is hot! Tempered Blade!" He pulled on the blade, using brute force to make the blade longer. It is now long enough to be considered a nodachi. Y/N charged at Daidoji, swinging wildly and too fast to predict. Daidoji blocked the slashes, a regrettable action, since the blade left burn marks on her arms.

"Now... we finish this." Y/N said, raising his nodachi. "This is your end... REDEMPTION!" He launched forward, the wind causing the blade to catch fire. He uppercut Daidoji into the air, then swung at her in a star formation. After the last strike, he sheathed his nodachi, dug his fist into her stomach, and smashed her to the ground.

He stood from the crater he made, and Daidoji looked up at him. Her eyes burned with the fire of battle, and a smile stretched on her face. "Heh... I expected nothing less from my rival." Y/N chuckled, and offered her a hand. After he pulled her up, they both returned to normal. "Satisfied?" He asked, smirking at her. She smiled, and slugged him on the shoulder. "Much. But I won't lose next time." Y/N chuckled, and crossed his arms. "That's what you said last time."

For the first time, Daidoji blushed in embarrassment. "M-Maybe! But I mean it this time!" She shouted, making Y/N laugh out loud.

-The Next Day-

Daidoji sat in the Ninja Room, eating futomaki rolls that Asuka made for her. Y/N walked in, and sat next to Daidoji. She glanced at him, as he sipped coffee from his mug. "What happened to you?" She asked. "Our brawl yesterday was really exhausting." He said, taking another sip. "Well, how would you like to hang out today?" Y/N looked at her funny, and raised a brow.

"Hang out, huh? What would you like to do?" He asked, downing all the coffee in his mug. Daidoji rubbed her chin, and shrugged. "I don't know. Do you have any ideas?" Y/N scratched his head, thinking. "Hm. How about we go eat somewhere?" Daidoji nodded. "That sounds good. When and where?"

"Hm. How about that new fancy restaurant that opened?" Y/N said, causing Daidoji to sweat-drop. "A fancy restaurant? I don't think I'm the kind of woman to go there..." Y/N gave her a confused look, but stood his ground. "Come on! You'll love it!" He insisted, and Daidoji rubbed her arm. "But I... oh, fine." She said, making Y/N smile. "Awesome! Meet me at the place at five o' clock."

-The Next Day-

Y/N adjusted his tie, waiting for Daidoji by the entrance of the restaurant. He heard the clacking high heels approaching, and turned to see Daidoji wobbling toward him. When she got to him, she lost her balance, but Y/N caught her. She blushed up at him and regained her balance, keeping a hand on his chest to keep her steady. "T-Thank you..." She mumbled. Y/N smiled and held her hand, keeping one hand on her shoulder.

They walked into the restaurant, and the host led them to their table. After they ordered their drinks, Daidoji glanced around the restaurant, and checked her dress. Her dress was a cocktail dress, black in color. Y/N laid his hand on hers to soothe her, and it seemed to work. She gave him an appreciative smile, still fidgeting in her seat.

"I'm sorry, I just... I never thought I'd be in a place like this." Y/N smiled, and squeezed her hand. "Don't worry. Just take a few deep breaths." Daidoji obliged, inhaling and exhaling several times. The waiter came, to take their orders. "What will you have, young man?" He asked, readying his pencil. "Uh yes, I will take the loaded steak dinner. Medium-rare." The man wrote down the order, then turned to Daidoji. "And what will you have, young lady?"

"Um, I will have the same thing." She said, handing him her menu. He took the menus and left. Daidoji released a breath she didn't know she was holding. "So, Daidoji, how has your training been going?" Daidoji rubbed her chin, then looked back to him. "Very well. I've been lifting more trees than usual." Y/N nodded. "My training has been going well too. I can run the field twenty times." Daidoji hummed, and took a sip of her drink.

"You have been doing very well your training. I look forward to our next spar." She said, poking his arm to feel the muscle. "Thanks. I do as well." There was a brief moment of silence, but it was comfortable. Well, as comfortable as it can get between two rivals eating dinner together. After waiting a few more minutes, the waiter came back with their food. They both looked at each other, before smirking and wolfing down their food, much to the exasperation of the other patrons.

After they finished eating, Y/N paid the tab, and they walked outside. Daidoji hooked her arm around Y/N's, resting her head on his shoulder. "That was very relaxing, thank you Y/N." Daidoji said. Y/N smiled, and pecked her on the cheek. Daidoji blushed, and held her cheek. "You kissed me..." Y/N laughed and ran away from her, and she gave chase. "I was going to kiss you first, you fool!"

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