~How You Met~

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The sun had beated down in the town ravenously. It become unbearable to the locals, so when more than the usual amount of people bustling in, you couldn't help but become annoyed.

No, you weren't entirely upset, I mean, the comic store was on it last ends as it was, so you guess it wasn't entirely miserable. But it had resulted in you having to find a new place to read.

After a week of looking, you were about to throw it in. All the other places were just as filled with harsh and sweaty people as the next.

You stopped for a moment, briefly collecting your thoughts before realising that you had come in contact with the floor. A light murmuring came into earshot and you can feel your body being lifted before the darkness finally seems to surround you.

A soft billow of air coming in your direction. You stir in the breeze to and fro, eyes fluttering as you adjust yourself and come right. Your vision ahead is blurry, red and black being the more dominant colours in your field.

"Are you alright?" A harsh, intrusive yet somewhat soothing voice comes out as you try to take in the question. An unintelligible sound escapes your lips and your hand comes to block the violent light invading your exhausted brain.

Soft sounds of movement enter and when you manage to succumb to consciousness, a large glass of water is presented to you. "You should probably drink this." You kindly accept the offer and when the drink is gone, you finally manage to take in the helpful stranger ahead of you. You note their dark attire paired with even darker sunglasses, if that was even possible, and gorgeous red hair that is styled spectacularly.

"I, uh, found you outside." They begin. "Must've been the heat and all. Sorry." The end comes out in a whisper. "You don't need to be sorry." You say while thanking them for the water. Crowley did, if fact, have to be sorry but that story is for another time. If only you knew. "You fainted out there so I bought you into a friends shop. They should be back soon, I hope that's alright with you." "Oh, well thank you. I'm sorry if I've been a bother." You start to leave but stumble a bit. The stranger catches before you fall any further. "You might wanna settle for a bit." They help you back on the couch and seat themselves next to you. "Yeah, I guess. Thanks..." You search for a name.

"Th' names Crowley." He offers in a low voice. "Y/n." You smile, shaking his hand.


It was a fine evening, one of the better ones you've had so far. Not to hot and not to cold. There's even a comforting breeze which was nice as it helped soothe any beating thoughts that passed your mind.

As you stroll through the park, going through the bright gardens and past the aging seating, you follow around the paths corner and spot a ice cream stand that looks out towards the other half of the park that leads of to town. Your inner child bursts through as there's barely any person's in line before you make your way there.

When you approach the stand, you're met with only one other man, dressed in beige and tartan with matching brogues, that seems to have trouble picking and choosing. You don't mind as you find yourself rehearsing your order in your head, only breaking thought when he turns from glancing at you.

"Oh, sorry there. I'm just having the hardest time choosing for a friend, you see." He explains to which you shrug kindly and smile in response. "Oh, don't mind me. There's no rush, but.." you peek over his beige coated shoulder, "you can't go wrong with a number five." Your brows raise in delight as he looks between you and the lolly, then again. "Number five?" He says unsure but seems settled. "Number five." You encourage with a soft tone of voice.

The man orders and thanks you abundantly more than necessary. When you order your own, you take a moment to relish in the child like memories that bubble up inside. This, though however small, had been a contributor of peace that you'd harness today.

And just when your about to walk away and head back home, and speeding bicyclist zooms into you on their way past.

You fall to the ground and the surprise impact not only knocks you off balance but sends your treat flying from your grasp and results in you smacking your head against the pavement.

"Oh, dear!" You hear a somewhat familiar voice as someone comes to turn you over and help you up. "Slowly now. Oh my, are you alright dear?" Your grunt as your vision clears and your hand comes to your forehead, leaving with a large swipe of red covering your fingertips. You eyes widen and the helper next to you audible gasps at the state.

"Oh no, oh let me help you up, dear." You stumble and lean into their side, which is surprisingly comforting. Both of your hands comes to grasp the lapels of his coat as you absently take notice of his coming up and around your person as he mumbles something you fail to make sense of.

In someway, you feel a numbness growing in you forehead and elbow as you steady yourself off the kind man. "That's should do it. No more bleeding head and no occurring bruises." He says but you brush in off in the moment.

"Thank you." You say while finding balance again. "Oh--" But you stumble back into his side, his arms wrapped around your person securely. "Would it be alright if I were to walk you to my bookshoppe? I could give you some water, if you need?" "Oh no, that's quite alright, thank yo-" You kindly decline but he further insists. "Oh, but I do feel partially responsible. If I hadn't taken so long, you wouldn't have been hit at the time." He says in a pleading tone.

You shrug off any doubt and decide, against your better judgement, that you would go with this man. "Okay, alright, dear." He begins to which you intrude.

"Y/n. My name is y/n." A faint smile graces your lips as he grins and replies with his own. "Aziraphale, at your service." He does a little bow. You chuckle at the formality as you follow him.

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