Bucky turned around in his chair and smiled over at his friends. Wanda, who seemed to be the only one prepared with a laptop, gave a small sigh and pulled it from her bag. She turned the device on and went onto a new word document.

"Okay, anyone have any ideas on how to start this?" Asks Wanda, shifting the laptop so that she could look at all of them. Bucky nibbles down on his lower lip, eyes gazing up at the ceiling as he tried to wrack his mind on any ideas.

"How about.." He starts, "Adolf Hitler was a politician for Germany and the leader of the Nazi party. He rose to power as Chancellor of Germany in 1933." Bucky paused, watching with careful eyes as Wanda typed, not wanting to go too fast. "To us he was an asshole who discriminated against Jews and killed over six million of them in fear of them taking over."

Natasha and Bruce laughed, rolling their eyes. "Yeah, we can so put that down, Buck." They joke, shaking their heads.

"Why not? She asked for our opinion, and I just gave you mine." Bucky exclaimed, flailing his arm in the air. "So what if there's some swearing? Miss Carter won't care."

"She probably will."

"Eh. Oh- Wanda!" Bucky yelled. "Write this down. It was absolutely ridiculous that anyone who was not German couldn't do all these things, when Hitler wasn't even German!"

"What?" Bruce questions, "he was German, that's how he was able to make everyone listen to him."

"Actually, if you don't mind the interruption." Miss Carter says, standing next to their table. "James was very much right. Hitler wasn't German, he was Austrian."

Bucky gave them a smug look. "See. I know what I'm talking about. But, Miss Carter?"


"How exactly did he do all those things if he wasn't German? Surely they would've done something.. right?"

Miss Carter smiled softly. "I'm not very sure, James. It is quite confusing when you think about it. But, keep up the good work." She says, walking away and over to another table who seemed to be struggling.

The feeling of buzzing in his side pocket caused Bucky to jump slightly and his heart rate to go up. He scowled, pulling his phone out from its hiding space and read the message. T'Challa:

Hey, meet me in the hallway pls? I have to talk to you.

Bucky rolled his eyes and typed a response.

I'm in class, and u should be too. I don't wanna talk to u rn.

Please! It's important.

Fine. 2mins Max. Be there in a sec.

Okay, tysm.

Bucky shoved his phone back into his pocket with an annoyed sigh and stood from his seat, mumbling to his friends about needing to go to the bathroom and left.

He quickly and carefully walked through the hallway, checking left and right for any teachers, when a large hand grasped his wrist and tugged him inside the nearby janitors closet.

Bucky yelped, feeling his back being harshly shoved against one of the many shelves and his wrist being pinned above his head. The small light in the centre of the roof was flicked on and he squinted under the brightness.

"Bucky." T'Challa spoke, and Bucky rolled his eyes at the familiar voice.

"Why the hell did you take me into the janitors closet?" Bucky hisses, trying to tug his wrist away from the tight grip. "Let me go!"

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