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Valerie smiles as Vanya opens the violin case that their dad gave to her, "can I touch it?" Valerie questions as she begins to reach for it only to look up at her sister for permission.

"Go ahead," Vanya nods and turns the open case towards her, "dad said it could be something that I could-- should practice."

Valerie chuckles and gently grabs it, careful not to break it and ruin Vanya's happy mood, "wow, it's a little lighter than I--" her words are cut off when her powers pull her into a vision.

"As requested, I didn't realize that you felt up to playing," Valerie hears her father's familiar voice ring out as she stares at a blond woman lying in a bed inside a big white room.

The woman's smile fades as she looks up at her, "I don't," she mutters out with a hoarse voice, "I want you to take it with you."

Valerie feels herself shake her head, "no, my love," the soft words leave her mouth as the feeling of sadness crushes her chest.

"Please..." the woman begs with tears in her dull eyes, "find someone... who will love it as much as I have," a proud smile grazing her pale face as her eyes shine from her words.

Valerie leans into her and looks along her face to see age lines on the corner of her eyes, cracked lips that hold a weak smile, along with the pale and dull colour of her skin and eyes, "I can't leave you," the words make her throat burn as tears fill her eyes while the woman places a gentle hand on her cheek causing her heart to swell in her chest, "there must be another way."

"Valerie," a yell from somewhere else makes the woman's image begin to fade from her eyes only making Valerie not want to leave as she tries to engrave the woman in her mind, "Valerie."

"There isn't, I will die here..." she whispers as she stares in Valerie's eyes with a face of acceptance, "but you won't, I won't allow it."

"Valerie!" The face of Vanya is right in front of her as she hears an echo of 'the world needs you, Reggie' fades from her mind, "Valerie?" a gasp leaves Valerie's lips and the ghost feeling of complete love and dread twist in her chest, "did you see something?"

"It... it was nothing Van, I-I'm okay," Valerie shakes out with a scared smile while her sister places a hand on her cheek making Valerie remember the feeling of that woman's hand.

"Valerie, you're crying," the whispered worries of her sister make Valerie reach up and wipe away the tears as she puts down the violin with trembling hands, "what did you see?"

"Nothing, Vanya, I'm fine," Valerie assures as she pulls her hands to her chest and tries to calm her mind at the things she just saw.

"Fine? Valerie, you started crying and mumbling that there has to be another way, how is that fine?" Vanya's fearful expression when she stands up, "I'm gonna get dad."

Psychometry ⇏ THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY  ✓ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora