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      VALERIE WOKE UP WITH A GASP, THE DREAMS making her heart race

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      VALERIE WOKE UP WITH A GASP, THE DREAMS making her heart race.

The screams echoing in her ears as she remembers how deafening the bang was, even in the dream. Not to forget the feeling of power and no remorse but joy makes her want to cry at the fact she'd feel like that for killing someone.

She groans in annoyance, "stupid fucking dreams," Valerie mumbles to herself as she sits up and unplugs her phone.

you get home safe?
sent at 2:45AM

Valerie's brain takes a while to catch up before she remembers the bartender, a small smile shows on her lips.

I survived, thanks for the fun time
sent at 2:34PM

She takes her phone before making her way to the kitchen for some shitty coffee. Valerie stops by the bathroom door when something catches her eye, making her turn her head to find her brother in the tub.

"Klaus?" She questions until she sees his expression, "hey, Klaus, what's—" the blood on the edge of the tub, the floor and on the side of her brother's head causing Valerie to rush over.

"Hey, hey, you okay?" She questions as Klaus stares at his sister with a blank expression, "where were you? I-I tried texting you but I didn't know if you had your phone, why is there blood everywhere?" Valerie asks as she places a gentle gloved hand on his cheek, "Klaus?"

He stares into his sister's eyes, the dead look making Val's heart ache until he smiles at her, "I love when you worry about me, makes me feel all warm inside," he whispers softly as he places his hands over his heart.

Valerie smiles softly at her brother, "where were you? Diego said his friend found you but when we went there, you weren't there."

The minute Valerie says that, the smile falls from his face and turns into a frown, "what happened there, Klaus?" She asks with a worried tone.

A tear falls from her brother's eye before he smiles, "I don't know what happened but these people took me, a man and a woman."

Valerie's face falls in realization, "they took you?"

"Yeah and they kept torturing me, in the cheapest way possible might I add," Klaus starts up with his usually joking matter, "then this woman came in and helped me get out, so I ran and took their suitcase with me."


Klaus nods as he looks at his sister, "their suitcase, briefcase, whatever it was. Only it wasn't a suitcase it was this time travel thing and I was on the bus when I zipped back in time in the middle of a fuckin' war," Valerie listens on only for Klaus to go quiet, "you don't believe me though, right?"

Valerie scrunches up her face, "our brother literally travelled through time to get here," she reminds with a joking tone, "of course I believe you, it'd be silly not to."

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