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      VALERIE LOOKS AROUND THE ROOM FRANTICALLY, her breathing erratic while the gun shakes in her hand

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      VALERIE LOOKS AROUND THE ROOM FRANTICALLY, her breathing erratic while the gun shakes in her hand. No remorse. She felt no remorse as she watches the blood seep down the walls and in the middle of the woman's head.

"Void," she hears someone call out but she just stands above the dead body feeling more alive than ever as a laugh falls from her lips until she's staring into the eyes of her father.

"Void! What did you see?" He demands only for Valerie's cheeks to feel cold and wet, realizing that she's crying. The empty gun out of her grasp as her vision comes back.

She just shakes and cries, "please don't make me do that again, dad, please," she begs to her dad who seems slightly annoyed before letting her go and turning away from her.

"You must know by now, Void that you will never become greater if you don't get a hold of your powers," he states as he walks forward, Valerie hiccuping to stop, "you need to learn how to—"

"I can't!" Valerie calls out as she bows her head in shame, "I can't, dad, I can't."

It goes quiet except for Valerie's choked cries while her dad stares at her with an expressionless face, "very well," he admits, "go to your room."

Valerie walks downstairs and into the living room where the rest of her siblings are, well kind of the rest, "what's going on? Where's Vanya?"

"I don't know if you noticed, but Five's a little..." Allison whistles as she makes a "coo-coo" gesture.

Klaus smiles at his sister, "our little psycho."

Allison walks over and hands Valerie a cup of coffee while the blonde pulls out her phone, "thanks," she mumbles and types her younger sister a message:

Wru? Family meeting.

"He was pretty convincing, if he wasn't trying to stop the apocalypse, those lunatics wouldn't be chasing him," Luther explains making Valerie being to understand what this meeting is about.

"So, you guys don't believe that Five could be telling the truth?"

She gets ignored when Diego speaks up, "that's why they were after him?"

"Yeah," Luther informs only for Allison to look at him.

"What did Five even see?" She asks, the only one who hasn't been caught up on the whole apocalypse situation.

Valerie puts her coffee on the little stand behind her before leaning against the back of the couch, "uh... apparently, we all fought together against whoever was responsible," Luther explains to his siblings only to be greeted with silence, "okay, so, here's the plan. Uh, we go through dad's research—"

"Wait, what?"

"Wait a tick, wait a tick, wait a tick," Klaus speaks up making the others besides Valerie look down at him on the ground, "what actually happened the first time around?"

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