Shadow the Assassin

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When I said hiatus, I meant VERY SLOW UPDATES woops :P

Used the wrong term there on my previous A/N >:P

Anyway, only a few chapters left until the end of this book series!
I will scrunch up the last 4 episodes into at least 2 chapters as I no longer wish to go into too much detail anymore. As you may have noticed, I summed up conversations between characters and fast forward to the highlights of the episode.

That's what I'll be doing for the next few chapters. As much as I love this series and as much as I enjoy writing it, I wish to move onto something else :)

I published the first book in 2017, it's been 2 years! This is the first book I've ever spent so much time and devotion to! When I look back at my writing, god I was the cringey 15 year old weeaboo that thought adding japanese words would make me cool ksksksks ew.

There's another fanfiction in the works for the past few weeks and that's what I want to move onto next!

It's a TMNT 2012 Leonardo x reader so once that's out, I'll mention it in my final A/N of this book <3

Thanks for staying and see you in the next one!


How long had it been since you went on this adventure? 

How long had it been since you left your home to join the guy you loved?

How long had it been since your family had forgotten you?

Too long. 

Finding the Chaos Emeralds, losing them, finding them again and then fight the Metarex Bosses. Seemed easy huh? Wrong. It felt like you all had been in this journey for years. As awesome as it could be sometimes, right now you just wanted to relax. The constant pressure of saving the world from plant-based monsters had left you drained. On top of that, you had much to learn about your ancestry and your culture. You were never human, and you've accepted that now. The difficult part is learning everything from scratch; from the language to the culture to your powers. It wasn't easy. You just wanted a break. Sleep didn't seem to overcome you as you lay down on your bed, your head resting against the soft pillow. A pile of books were next to your bed, books about all the things you needed to know about yourself and there were still more of them to go. 

Suddenly, the alarm went toff, the red light flashing in your room along with the loud beeping. Tails' panicked voice came through the megaphones. There was an intruder in Cosmo's room. Jumping out of your bed, you sprinted out of your room, through the hallway and from afar, you could see Chris' unconscious, bruised body on the floor and Sonic's grunting could be heard nt to far from him. You ran to your cousin and pressed your two fingers on his neck; he was breathing, good. An explosion was heard and in front of you was Sonic and Shadow, their arms against each other, their eyes glaring at one another's. You called for Sonic and he urged you to take Tails and Cosmo and run away. However he was interrupted as Shadow jumped high, bounced off the four corners of the hall behind Sonic and violently punched your blue-clad boyfriend hard to the point of sending him flying against the wall. Shadow walked through the smoke his clash with Sonic created, getting closer to you. Standing up and looking straight into his red eyes, you stepped in front of him, blocking him from getting closer to Cosmo.

"What's the meaning of this?" You asked, your voice slightly shaking.

"None of your business." He replied coldly, stopping in front of you.

"It does seen as it concerns my friends."

"So you're friends with a spy huh?"


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