The Reunion

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“Why aren’t you dressed yet?” Desmond scolded, scowling at his wife.

“I really don’t want to go,” Emma pouted as she sat in bed. Gatherings had never really been her thing.

“Paul will be there, won’t he?” he asked.

“Yes,” she mumbled, avoiding eye-contact. It was as if Desmond was more excited to see the guy. She regretted telling her husband about this stupid reunion.

“He personally asked you to come, didn’t he?”


“Then, let’s go!” he urged.

“Who’ll watch Liam?”

“I already asked Sally,” Desmond answered automatically. He knew Emma couldn’t never really refuse him and she already knew that he was winning. And finally, she relented with a sigh and got up from the bed.

The couple greeted Sally at the door and handed Liam to her after giving him a lot of kisses. The taxi was already waiting for them. Half-way through the ride, it suddenly occurred to Desmond to ask which school Emma went to and it amazed him to know that they went to the same one. The realization somehow eased her mood.

The school auditorium was bustling with the crowd when they entered. Desmond was waiting to see who’d come and greet her. They’d already found a table and still, not one from the crowd approached.

“Don’t you have any friends?” he asked Emma.

She laughed nervously. “It’s been decades. It’s probably hard to recognize one another.”

Paul doesn’t seem to be anywhere as well. Desmond was on the lookout even as they filled their plates with food from the banquet. Emma sat subdued in her chair as she pushed her food around. He gave her another once-over. She was still as conservative as ever with her light makeup and simple, black dress that he bought her. It made him smile to see her dolled up for a change. He wished he could take a picture of her right now without her deleting or hiding it away afterwards.

“Hello, mic test.” The male emcee stood center stage and the program was about to start. Slide shows of the wackiest, most touching and most memorable photos were presented. Speeches from old teachers were delivered. Mini games were held.

Then, Desmond noticed something. “Is it just me or am I one of the younglings here?”

Emma’s eyes narrowed at him in a motherly fashion. “Don’t brag.”

It was kind of true. Out of all the plus ones he’d seen, he was probably the youngest-looking. Almost everyone brought their equally aged spouses with them.

“Now for the much awaited awarding ceremony,” the emcee announced.

It was the typical reunion awards. The most successful… The most changed… The longest distance traveled… There’s even the “Where are they now?” segment for those who weren’t able to attend. The entire hall was having fun, even Emma. Desmond suddenly wondered what his own reunion would be like even though he knew he wouldn’t live long enough to attend it.

The couple gave a little jump respectively in their seats when they heard the emcee call Paul’s name. He was here after all. Everyone hooted and hollered as he went up the stage to collect his “Still Mr. Popular” award. The women, in particular, were swooning even in the presence of their husbands. Desmond shot his wife a look and saw a soft smile on her lips. He had to give it to Paul. The man was one of those lucky guys who bloomed even more with age. Desmond could only imagine how he’d look like at that age.

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