5.) Stay? Please?

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Hermione's P.O.V

Once I realised what I had just done, who I just hugged, my face flushed a rich red out of embarrassment and something else I couldn't quite place and retracted myself reluctantly. As soon as I did I felt cold and sad without his touch. I looked up at him, curious as to why he let me hug him, and why he seemed to have hugged me back willingly. He just stared back at me with an unfimiliar look in his eyes that I couldn't place for the life of me.

After what felt like an eternity of us just sitting there staring into each other's eyes, he stands up and starts to head out of the door, before he could get too far my hand instinctively reached out and grabbed his. He turned around to look at me again, and before I could comprehend what I was gonna say my weird ass brain decided for me in a split second decision. "Stay with me? Please? I-I don't wanna be alone."

Snape's P.O.V

Just as I was about to leave the room a small, fragile, quivering hand reached out and grabbed mine. I turned around to see Ms. Granger- Hermione sitting up on the hospital bed, eyes filled with fear and something I couldn't place. She looked me right in the eyes and asked me in a quivering, small voice. "Stay with me? P-Please? I-I don't wanna be alone."

And against my better judgment I walked back over to her side, she moved over on the small bed to make room for me, I took of the necessary clothes. (E.g. shoes, socks, cape.) And climbed into the bed with the little lioness. She almost climbed on top of me because of how small the space was, layed her head on my chest, draped her arm around my waist and fell asleep. I was shocked at how comfortable she seemed, so I rapped my arms around her small frame, held her close and drifted off to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next morning I woke up before the sun as usual, I was confused at image of the white ceiling and curtain drawn across the rather small and uncomfortable bed I was resting on. Then I suddenly remembered everything that happened the previous day and looked down at the honey-brown haired lioness laying on my chest and snuggled her closer to me. I know I shouldn't be doing this, I know it's wrong, but it feels so right, she feels right, like she was meant to be there, beside me, from the start. I couldn't  place why, I couldn't identify the feeling of absolute security I felt with her in my arms. I layed there content for about five more minutes until I feel her stir and moan softly signifying that she is awake.

Hermione's P.O.V.

I awoke snuggled up to something very warm, it was comforting and cozy so I snuggled further up to it, only to have my "snuggle pillow" chuckle harmoniously and vibrate as if something or someone was laughing at me, which made me lift my head up to get a look at whatever made that gorgeous noise. I was met with the face of my dark and brooding potions professor.

He was smiling!! Oh no, something must be terribly wrong for someone like Snape to be smiling and laughing no doubt!!
The world is officially ending! I have completely gone insane! I-
My thoughts were cut of by a hand gently sifting through my honey-brown locks, without realising it my eyes fluttered closed, I leaned my head into the hand that's petting me, and purred. I purred like a fucking cat!
I am completely mad! Out of my mind! This is Snape we're talking about! Omg! Abort mission! I repeat abort mission!

My eyes snapped open in horror, my face flushed with embarrassment. I quickly got up and out of the hospital I was in and tripped over the bedding, how ungraceful. As I layed on my back, sprawled across the ground, I listened, eyes closed, to the harmonious laughter coming from the mouths of my potions master and Madame Pomfrey, who decided just then was the perfect time to waltz into the room from her private bed chambers within the hospital wing.

As I carefully opened my eyes, I see Madame Pomfrey, Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore!! They were all laughing at me! They must have thought me complete fool! An absolute idiot! Just the thought of my teachers thinking so lowly just dug my self esteem further into the ground and brought tears to my eyes. As the continued to chuckle and laugh I had had enough and scrambled to my feet and abruptly left, ignoring their calls for me.

I just wanted to be alone to wallow in my self pity and depression.

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