Coming soon

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Here it is and there will be the single version to come in the future along with the cover. Kendall Schmidt and Logan Henderson visited Disneyland one day after spending some time in the studio, and by the fun land there were a set of triplets and they were all girls and by the looks of things they looked horrible, and their mother abandoned them there to live cause she did not want them anymore cause they were a burden on her. Kendall and Logan take them in as their daughters, and they find another set of triplets that are babies they raise all of them as their own

The names will come in time like this week I hope cause my schedule went back to playing Russian roulette sadly and the other book is going up tonight cause work is pissing me off like bad and I have more time to work on this as well which I like  cause more time to update and get a new story up cause I am close to 1,000 followers which I like a lot

more is coming so stay tuned this week everyone the first chapter is going up maybe one night for sure cause work is getting more and more stupid  

Names tomorrow 

Kendall and Logan's princesses wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now